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Open Adoption with Your Child in Georgia

What is open adoption in Georgia? The open adoption definition is not specific. Open adoption in GA is when there is open communication between the birth mother and/or birth father in an adoption relationship with the adopted child and his or her parent/s. The different levels of openness, or the frequency and type of communication, vary from situation to situation. Open adoptions are becoming more and more popular as many birth mothers find them more satisfying and healthy than a closed adoption.

Anytime you have questions about the adoption process in Georgia, call 1-800-ADOPTION or fill out this online form to speak with an adoption specialist. In the meantime, continue reading this helpful guide on Georgia adoption.

Open vs. Closed Adoption in Georgia

In a closed adoption, there is very little or no communication between the child and his or her birth family until the child turns 18 and all parties determine they desire communication. A closed adoption may be chosen when the birth mother is struggling and desires privacy, when she doesn’t want to be open about choosing adoption, or a variety of other reasons. If it is determined that a closed adoption makes the most sense for all parties involved, then there is nothing wrong with this type of adoption.

Semi-Open vs. Open Adoption

In a Georgia semi-open adoption, there is communication but it is more limited than in a fully open adoption. Sometimes an open adoption may become semi-open, and vice versa. A semi-open adoption in Georgia may be a good fit for a birth mother who wants to know how her child is doing without having direct contact or sharing identifying information. A semi-open adoption may mean that a birth mother receives regular updates on her child, which may be mediated through American Adoptions. A semi-open adoption in Georgia, when it fits for all parties, can allow for both the adopted child and the birth mother to have separate lives, but also know where the other is and what they are up to.

Georgia Open Adoption Facts

Here are some facts regarding open adoption in Georgia and how it works:

  1. Open adoption allows for baby and birth mother to continue to have a relationship.

  2. The level of openness in open adoption evolves as the relationships in the adoption triad evolve.

  3. Open adoption encourages an open conversation with the birth child regarding where they came from.

  4. In an open adoption, a birth mother may decide how much openness she desires before choosing the right adoptive family to make sure it is a good fit.

Open adoption is exactly what it sounds like it is, and every open adoption is different. Every birth mother and adoptive family have different needs at different times. The beauty of open adoption in GA is that it allows for all parties to communicate their needs and boundaries with respect and understanding.

Georgia Open Adoption Stories

There are so many stories of open adoptions that can be found on the internet illustrating just how amazing this option can be. However, while some of them have a fairy tale twist, others are rather heartbreaking. Be cautious when reading these stories and remember that every story is different.

Open adoption in Georgia is a beautiful option when it is the right choice for the adoption triad. Make sure to speak with your adoption specialist regarding your options for levels of openness so that they can find families that are on the same page.

To learn more about open adoption in Georgia or to start making your own open adoption plan, you can call 1-800-ADOPTION any time, 24/7, for free and with no obligation.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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