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Bruce & Dehnia
Adoption is a time filled with so many emotions, for everyone involved. We are honored that you have taken the time to view our profile. We are excited to build our family through adoption. We will provide your child with a fun, loving home where they can grow and become their truest, fullest self. We are excited for this life long journey!
Our Leisure Time

Dehnia enjoys spending her leisure time in many different ways. She enjoys getting her nails done with friends, scrap-booking, and working on the secret garden. Dehnia also enjoys baking, watching movies or television shows, sending cards to family and friends, and hanging out with her friends. She takes great joy in spending time with her friends' kids. Dehnia likes to take them to the zoo, Paint Yourself Silly, out to movies, or playing at their house. She also volunteers with a youth organization. Dehnia also takes belly dance classes and sings in her church choir.

Bruce enjoys taking it easy on the weekends. He plays a variety of games, but really enjoys getting together with friends and family for a session of Dungeons and Dragons. He also enjoys cooking, reading, and throwing the ball with Wallace. Bruce always takes the opportunity to spend time in a museum or learning something new.
We enjoy watching movies, playing board games, going out to dinner, and wine/beer tastings. We also like to spend time with friends and family.
Qualities We Admire in Each Other

Dehnia admires how caring, kind, and helpful Bruce is. Everyone can always count on Bruce to lend a helping hand and a kind word. Dehnia also loves his humor. He can make any situation light hearted. He shares jokes and movie quotes. Dehnia always looks forward to the messages that Bruce sends her throughout the day. Dehnia respects Bruce's intelligence and opinions. She loves how passionate he is about science, the earth, and current events. He explains things very patiently and always in a caring manner. While we may have some differences, we value them, and believe they make us stronger. Bruce always encourages Dehnia to reach her goals. He is her best cheerleader.
Bruce is in love with Dehnia's enormous capacity for caring for others. She always makes everyone feel included and seen. Dehnia actively looks for opportunities to bring comfort and joy to her friends, whether it is a kind text or planning a day together. Dehnia pushes Bruce to be a better person, and supports him when he needs it the most. She is always up for trying new things and having adventures. Dehnia is his favorite person to talk to. She is incredibly funny, and she catches Bruce off guard with her humor all of the time. We can share our thoughts with each other about everything and be sure to have an understanding even if we don't always agree. There is nothing he enjoys more than being together after a long day and laughing together.
Education We Will Provide
Education is very important to us. We will read to your child, encourage them to play games that challenge them, and enjoy time outside in nature. We also believe in public education. We would encourage your child to be active in groups in their school, as well as science fairs or other opportunities that interest them. We will provide your child with opportunities to attend camps and clubs during the summer as well as any extracurricular activities at school, church, or in the community. If your child needs assistance in any area, we will approach it in a positive manner. We believe that education is a lifelong pursuit. Our hope is that they would continue on to college or a trade school to further their education in a field they enjoy learning about. Our family has many teachers, ranging from elementary teachers to college professors. Education is one of our core values.

Our House and Neighborhood

We live in a three-bedroom bungalow with our dog Wallace. We take pride in our home, and have enjoyed doing some projects since we purchased it. We enjoy the breakfast nook and basement living room that we have redone. Our favorite room is our living room. Here we get to spend time with friends and family laughing, playing games, and also where we get to be together as a family playing with our dog.
Our neighborhood has many kids. We have two elementary schools and a middle school close by. Our neighborhood does a bicycle parade for kids on July 4th. We are close with our neighbors on either side of us. One family has two children.
Our city is diverse with a great number of communities represented. There are many activities for families to do together. We have a children's zoo, multiple public libraries, and great parks. There are also great bike and walking trails. Some things we look forward to doing as a family also include craft studios, the children's museum, farmers markets, and local swimming pools. We have a wide variety of local restaurants. We live within walking distance to a public pool and two great parks. Our city has an annual Mayor's Run for the elementary students, summer concert series, a county fair, and Ribfest. During the winter, the children's zoo is decorated in lights and has a special zoo lights event. There are many great opportunities to do things as a family.
Our Extended Families

We enjoy doing a variety of things with our friends and family. We like to play board and card games, host meals, and watch football. Bruce plays D&D weekly with his cousins. We get together about every other Friday with a group of friends. Dehnia enjoys spending time with her friends getting their nails done, shopping, and grabbing lunch.

We are very close to our family. Dehnia's father lives two blocks away from us. Dehnia's mother and stepfather live about a mile away. Dehnia has one younger brother who lives nearby. Bruce's parents split their time between two residences. Bruce's sister, her husband, and our nephew, as well as Bruce's younger brother also live close by. Dehnia's grandfather and cousins on both sides live in our neighborhood as well. Most of our extended family live in the same town that we do.
Holidays create a lot of traditions for us as well. We celebrate Christmas with Dehnia's father and family on Christmas Eve. We celebrate the Fourth of July with Dehnia's family. We gather at her aunts' house. For the past few years, we have traveled to Minnesota for their state fair and to see more of Bruce's cousins.
Our family is unique in many ways. We have many different types of families that form our extended family. We genuinely and whole-heartedly are there for each other. We support each other through all our hardships, and celebrate together in our joy. Our family is truly a village.
From Us to You

We know this is a time filled with many emotions. We want you to know that we are humbled and honored that you have taken the time to read our profile. We know that this decision is hard and there are many different things that are running through your mind. We want to let you know a little about ourselves, and just how much we are going to love and provide for your child.
We met when we were 18 years old. We quickly became best friends and started dating two years later. We have been in love ever since. We purchased our house in 2018. In 2019 we adopted our dog, Wallace. Wallace is a German Shepard/Australian Shepard mix. He is 11 years old.
Our home is a three-bedroom bungalow. We love the charm of older homes and neighborhoods. We have enjoyed working on small projects around the house like adding a breakfast nook, redoing the closet, and painting the outside of the house. We are close with our neighbors. One family has two young children. We enjoy spending time with them, having dinner, and chatting in our front yards. We have a big backyard and a small garden on the side of our house. We enjoy playing with Wallace in the backyard. We are blessed to have so many family members close by too! In just three blocks, we have parents, grandparents, and cousins. We enjoy walking over to each other's houses and spending time together.
Adoption holds a special place in our hearts. Dehnia's cousin is adopted from Vietnam. We also have extended friends that have adopted children. We have loved hearing their stories and experiences.
You may be wondering why we are adopting. When we first got married, we knew we wanted to become parents and adopt. As it turns out, we had some fertility difficulties which led us to adoption more quickly than anticipated; however, it was truly a smooth next step and something we both felt is exactly what we are supposed to do. We could not be happier building our family through adoption and want you to know your child will be loved, always.
Our friends and family have been incredibly supportive of our adoption journey. They have been behind us every step of the way. We held an event and everyone was so excited to get "we are the village" shirts. Everyone is so excited to love and nurture your child.
Many of our friends and cousins have children. Bruce's sister recently had a son, so they will have a cousin really close to the same age. The child we adopt will have a great group of friends and cousins to welcome them. They are excited to make new friends!
We will be open with your child about their adoption. We will help them understand that all of their parents love them. We will share updates with you through photos, letters, and emails; whatever formats you prefer.
We are so excited to welcome your child into our home and into our hearts. They will be loved, respected, cared for, and always encouraged to be themselves. We are so excited to welcome your child into our village!
Bruce & Dehnia
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