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Sean & Nicole
While adopting a child was not in our plans when we got married, we are so excited for the opportunity to invite a new child into our home. We are so thankful that you have chosen the path of adoption too. We would be so blessed if you choose us to be your baby's parents, it is a role we would take very seriously and with much thankfulness.
Why We Chose Adoption

We love being parents and have always dreamed of having children. We have one son named Caleb who was born in September 2020. Caleb loves playing, laughing, fire trucks and animals. He is such a happy little boy and he is an incredible joy in our lives!
We believe Caleb will be a great big brother! He has the opportunity to spend time with other younger children at church and play groups, and he shows interest and gentleness with them. While he may not understand having a new baby sibling quite yet, we are sure once we are home with the baby he will be excited to have a new little playmate!
Shortly after Caleb was born, we found out Nicole could not give birth to another biological child. We know we had many different options for creating a new family, but only adoption felt right to us. Nicole has had a heart for adoption since previously working as a social worker. We believe that God has led us to adoption through the circumstances we have gone through. We are no less excited to adopt a child than if Nicole was giving birth to this child herself.
Our Lifestyle

Our leisure time is typically spent spending time as a family. We enjoy going for walks and going to parks as a family. Something else we enjoy is taking day trips places and having experiences as a family.
Before we became parents, we enjoyed taking cruises together and even travelled to Punta Cana for our five-year wedding anniversary. As of right now we haven't travelled over two hours with our son, but once he, and future children, get older we would love to take them on vacations to Disney World or a cruise.
On the day to day, we enjoy playing board games, listening and playing music (Sean plays the drums, Nicole plays the flute, and we're both decent singers), playing video games, and reading. Nicole enjoys crafting, specifically scrapbooking, and Sean enjoys mountain biking. All of these hobbies we hope to instill in our children, and we will also encourage them to explore other hobbies they're interested in.
Our Faith Is an Important Part of Our Lives

We are Christians. We believe in the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We each have a personal relationship with God, and He is a part of our marriage.
It is important to us to raise our children in the church. We attend church every Sunday and are involved in ministry there. Sean plays drums in the worship band every Sunday and Nicole is an important part of the children's ministry, working on curriculum, filling in for the children's ministry leader as needed and teaching in Sunday school.
We believe in community and that it's important to walk with fellow Christians, we try to surround ourselves with other families like ours, who are members of a church and believe similar things to us.

Our House and Neighborhood

We live in a neighborhood full of different kinds of families. There are older couples (who have grandchildren who visit), families with teens, and young families like us. They try to have a block party every year and events like Easter Egg Hunts.
We live in a four-bedroom house, Sean works from home and uses one of the bedrooms as an office. We also have a basement which we use for storage, Sean's drum set, and an extra play area. We have a nice sized yard with a back porch, and plan to put a play set in the spring of 2023.
We live near many different parks and playgrounds. The Appalachian Trail is very close to us, so we like to go for walks on it when the weather is nice. Nicole currently takes Caleb to a story time at the local library and music class at a local rec center, and hopes to bring future children to these kinds of activities as well.
Our Extended Families

Sean has one younger brother (Ryan), and Nicole has one older brother (Alex). We get to see Ryan often because he lives in the area. Alex lives across the country, so it is harder to see him.

We have a lot of family in the area. Sean's parents are divorced, but they both live within a half an hour of us, with their new spouses. Sean's dad and his wife come over and spend time with our son very often and are excited to spend time with a new child as well. Nicole's family lives about 3.5 hours away but are planning to move to the area in 2023.
All of our family are very excited for us to adopt. They feel as we do, that our family is not complete without another child. They are excited to speak into all of our children's lives.
From Us to You

Thank you for considering us to raise your child. This is something we do not take lightly. We hope that by reading our profile and learning more about us it can ease your mind as we promise to love your child as if they were biologically related to us. We also promise to provide a safe, stable and loving home to them.
We met on a dating app in the fall of 2014. Sean did not take long to ask Nicole out for a cup of coffee at a local diner. We became serious fairly quickly and knew from the beginning of our relationship how important having a family was to the both of us. We got married in October 2016 after being together for just shy of two years.
A year after we got married, we began trying to get pregnant, but due to some health problems, it was a lot more difficult to get pregnant than we anticipated. But on Valentine's Day 2020, we found out we were pregnant. Nicole gave birth to our son, Caleb, in September 2020.
Caleb is a smart, silly, and loving boy. His smile lights up a room. We are so excited for Caleb to be a big brother; we know he will be great at it. We know Caleb is a miracle child, but we also know that whatever child we adopt will be a miracle child, just in a different way. They will each have a unique story to how they came to our family and both children will know how much we love them.
We will share your child’s growth with you through pictures and emails. Adoption will be discussed openly in our household. It will be discussed that you gave your child up for adoption as an act of love, and that it was a difficult decision. We believe you are making a brave choice, and your child will know that. We believe that not only is it our job to keep your relationship with your child alive, but we are excited to get to know you more. If you choose us to raise your child, then we will be forever linked. We are open to regular contact on the phone as much as our and your schedule permit. Depending on how far away we live from each other, we would also be open to in-person visits annually and or every other year.
Our extended family are also very excited for our family to be growing. We live in the same area as all of our parents, who already love Caleb so much, we know they will love a second child just as much. Our parents are very involved in our day to day lives, they watch Caleb on a weekly basis and love getting down on his level. They have the same values as us, as they are the ones who taught us those same values.
Thank you again for considering us to raise your child. We will be thinking of and praying for you as you make this difficult decision. But we would be honored to be chosen to raise your child. You are a courageous woman to be choosing adoption. Your child will be loved and cherished in our home, unconditionally. There will be no difference between your child and Caleb. Not only do we promise to love your child, but we promise to give them opportunities to grow and learn and form beautiful relationships with people in our lives.
Sean & Nicole
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