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Joshua & Kaytlin
Hello! We are the Ettlin Family. We look forward to getting to know you and we hope this profile will allow you to see a glimpse of our big family and our life as well. We have four children and lots of animals on our hobby farm and we are a fun-loving crew that LOVES adventure and travel! Josh is a veterinarian and Kaytie is a stay-at-home mom. We own a mixed animal veterinary clinic in our small town.
We have been praying and preparing for the last several years to grow our family and felt specifically that God has called us to adopt. In everything we do we aim to glorify Him, and we are excited for this journey.
What Makes Us Unique

We are a family that loves to do everything together. We are unique in our love for the outdoors, trying new things, traveling, and valuing home grown foods. We wanted to see all the neat corners of the world and the beautiful areas that God created and we wanted our children to see it with us. We have visited over half the United States with the kids so far and have gone on so many road trips and vacations to see the world outside our sweet little town.
We also love our home too, and love to be still and create/enjoy things right outside our front door. We have such a rich agricultural community which lends us to being able to grow a lot of our own food or source it locally. We like to preserve food we grow in our big garden for winter, bake sourdough bread, and cut flowers in our big flower garden for fun arrangements to give to family and friends.
We think all these things make us unique. We have chosen to raise our kids appreciating the beauty God has created and a desire to see the world, while trying to be sustainable in our own practices at home.
Our Children

We have 4 beautiful, happy children! Paisley is 9 years old and is the sweetest, spunkiest girl who loves to help others. She loves being a big sister. Her favorite activities are baking fun creations and playing with friends. Jaedyn and Quinci are identical twin girls who are 8 years old. Jaedyn is a kind and bright little girl who is often quiet, but loves to share with anyone about her trinkets and treasure finds. She loves to help her younger brother with anything he needs. Quinci is our snuggle bug who has a heart of gold. She loves to dress up and organize games and activities for her siblings. She is incredibly kind and protective. Bryson is our spunky 5 year old boy, he loves all things that involve dirt and wheels. He wants to make everyone feel included in activities and likes to keep his room tidy. But he really loves all the animals we have, he is always holding and loving them.
Discussing Adoption
We want the conversation to be natural and open for lots of discussion from the start. We will share how his/her birth mother carried him/her in her belly and then how his/her birth parents made an incredibly brave decision and chose us to parent them and that we all collectively love him/her so very much. We also want to share the amazing qualities he/she inherited from their birth parents. We hope to keep an open dialogue with the child so whenever they have questions or want to discuss anything, we can help them answer. We also are interested in an open adoption, so we can exchange letters, photos, emails and perhaps visits with biological family.

Our House and Neighborhood

We live on 7.5 acres in a rural community. Our home is currently 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with an addition currently under construction, where we are adding another large bedroom, bathroom, playroom and homeschool area. Construction will be complete in Spring 2023. We have lots of fun animals on our hobby farm; sheep, pygmy goats, dogs, cats and chickens. Our children love to ride their bikes and climb all the trees on our property. Our girls love to help pick flowers from our cut flower garden and make fun arrangements for friends.

We have wonderful neighbors, and a tight-knit community. We have a wonderful church we attend and have a very supportive community that surrounds us. We meet with a small group of 8 other couples every week (for the last 6 years and counting!) from our community and talk about marriage, parenting, Bible study, and everything in between. They have been an incredible support for us as we prayerfully prepare for adoption.
Our Extended Families

We have a big extended family on both sides, filled with lots of fun traditions. We are so thankful that most of our extended family lives in the same town or county, which makes getting together with cousins and second cousins so much fun! We love to go to the 4th of July parade together, run in the annual Turkey-trot, trick or treat in our small downtown, Friday ski trips in winter, and have lots of park play dates all together. One of Kaytie's favorite family traditions is the Christmas party with her mom's extended family (over 40 people) every year, where they have a baked potato feast and white elephant gift exchange. Josh's favorite tradition with his family is our yearly trips to somewhere tropical, sunny, or Disney-related! The kids have a blast going with all their cousins. We appreciate that both sides of our families are very excited and supportive of our hopes to adopt. They can't wait for our family to grow.

From Us to You

We feel honored you might consider us with the amazing responsibility of parenting your child. We also hope to provide some comfort to you regarding your decision. We believe this is a very brave and loving decision, and we are praying for you to have peace along this journey. You are incredibly strong and brave and we admire you so much.
We both felt a strong call to grow our family through adoption, and after praying about it for some time we both felt the calling matched our desires for more children. We love our big family and the family culture that is present in our home. We value quality time with our children, with games, Friday night movies and popcorn, traveling to new and fun places, Friday ski adventures in winter, and doing many crafts together at home, because we all love them! We love having our kiddos be part of daily activities like cooking, some chores and errands. We have decided to homeschool our children for the time being and it has been the sweetest time to spend all together in our studies or travel to learn something new. It has also been the best to foster the close sibling bonds that we value so much. They all play so well with each other. Our children are also very excited about growing our family through adoption, it is still their nightly prayer for a sibling to join soon.
After doing some research and reading several books from adoptees and other adoptive parents, we would really be interested in an open adoption, where we can exchange photos, letters, emails and perhaps some visits. We hope to continue a connection and relationship with you, if that is something you would feel comfortable with.
We can't wait to meet you and hear your story and we applaud you for your bravery and strength but mostly, we want you to know that we are praying for you. Praying for comfort and peace during this journey and for wisdom for the decisions you will be making.
Joshua & Kaytlin
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