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Jerry & Kelsey
Hi! Thank you so much for taking the time to look through our profile, and getting to know us better! Adoption is such a beautiful gift, and we know it takes a lot of courage for you to be here. We are so excited to be parents, and know we will love your child with all our hearts.
Our Passions

Kelsey is passionate about storytelling, helping people find the right career for them, family, art, boxing, the list goes on. Ever since she was six years old she knew one day she would be a children's author, and can't wait to write and tell stories for her own kids. Her passion for people development lead her to HR where she has helped hired hundreds of people, and worked with them to progress in their careers. She is excited to go to part time when we adopt a baby, and use those skills instead to help this child grow and develop. She spends several hours most weeks working at her art and loves to help kids learn how to make beautiful things.
Jerry is a very hands on guy. He works in manufacturing and loves that he gets to spend his day making high quality items for people. He is also very creative, especially when it comes to cooking or mixing drinks. We barely have a repeat meal, since he always is making something new, and he particularly enjoys being able to share that food with guests. He enjoys camping, playing soccer, getting out on the water (especially in a sailboat) and fishing of any kind.
Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

Kelsey About Jerry: Jerry is my rock. He is steady in any storm, and I have always known that I could count on him to love me and our family well. He loves to take care of people, from making me coffee every morning to putting bandaids on the scraped up knees of our adventurous nieces and nephews, to building or moving furniture for friends. When we first got together and I was offered a job across the country he didn't even hesitate, told me to chase my goals, and fully supported me. He is funny, and has the most infectious laugh. I also love how creative he is in the kitchen, from cooking to mixing cocktails, he always is trying something new (and it is always delicious!). He is going to be such a wonderful dad!

Jerry About Kelsey: Kelsey is the most loving and caring person I know. She is constantly giving to other people. One of the first things I knew about Kelsey is how many kids love her. She was, and still is, the first call for so many families to watch their kids. She is incredibly creative from her paintings, playing guitar, or writing stories, she spends her free time making the world a more beautiful place. She is going to be an amazing mother and will turn all of that love and creativity to our children.
Cultural Diversity
We believe every child should know where they came from, and about the culture and traditions that shaped their heritage. Both of us have loved diving into our own pasts and learning from our parents and grandparents about the lives they led, and we want to give our child a strong understanding of their cultural heritage as well. With nieces and nephews with black heritage and Hispanic heritage, we have enjoyed the diversity that comes as our family has grown and our community has grown.
We believe that cultural diversity is something to be embraced and are excited to learn about the culture that our future child comes from. We know that it is up to us to do a lot of research and ask good questions so that we can proactively connect our child with their heritage and answer any questions they might have. Thankfully we live in a community that truly embraces a variety of cultural backgrounds, and know we will have a lot of support in this journey. We have a lot to learn, and are committed to putting in the work.

Our House and Neighborhood

We live in a small, tight-knit community in Idaho and have several friends with children who live just minutes away from us. Everything in our town is very walkable, with seventeen parks nearby, as well as a small waterpark that is open in the summer.
Summer Saturdays are for walking the local farmer's market, and we love participating in our town's 4th of July parade with Jerry's company (this past year we handed out over 2,000 hotdogs!). We can't wait to take our child to the downtown trick-or-treat on Halloween, or the various block parties and art events that our community organizes throughout the year. We also love that you can't walk down the street without recognizing someone you know and stopping to say a quick hi.
We live in a townhouse at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac. Most evenings the children in the neighborhood are outside playing basketball or biking and scootering around the cul-de-sac.
We have four bedrooms, as well as a bonus room (where we have a small home gym setup and where our puppy sleeps) and a TV/playroom. Jerry's favorite spot in the house is probably our little balcony, where we get beautiful views of the sunset. Kelsey loves her office where she works on her writing and her art, and the walls are covered in her latest pieces.
Our Extended Families

We both come from very tight knit families, with lots of siblings and nieces and nephews. Kelsey is the third of nine children, and loved growing up in such a busy house. Her family (besides one other sister) live about a 6 hour drive from us, and we visit them as often as we can. Kelsey has a Canadian background so hockey is a pretty big deal for her family, though sports of any kind are a hit. Whenever we get together there is usually something delicious on the grill, hockey or basketball played in the driveway, and nieces and nephews running and crawling around everywhere.

Jerry is the youngest of four and the only boy. Two of his sisters live only a few minutes from us, and one lives across the country near his parents. Whenever they get together a card or board game of some sort will break out, alongside a discussion about favorite books and podcasts. Jerry's family is very hospitality oriented and are very involved in their church (his dad is a pastor), and his favorite memories are Thanksgiving camping trips with his family and the church community, fishing, and golfing with his grandparents.
Our immediate and extended family is so excited for us to add to our family through adoption. They can't wait to meet this child, and surround them with love and family. We can't wait either!
From Us to You

Thank you for considering our family. Know that whomever you choose to raise this baby, we are so thankful for you and for this new life, and pray you find the right family for baby.
A little bit about us. We met at college about 9 years ago (a classic fall for your best friend's younger brother situation), and have been married for two years. Both of us have always been so excited to raise children and have a big family, and adoption has always been something both of us wanted to pursue.
Kelsey comes from a family of nine, and ever since she can remember she was the babysitter for the family. She connects quickly with any child, and you won't find anyone more willing to join in the fun for kids, whether it be making silly faces or rolling down hills or building a mud snowman. Wherever she goes, there's always little friends running up to give her a big hug. She can't wait to invent stories for bedtime, teach our children how to draw, and help them find hobbies and interests that they love.
Jerry, the youngest in his family, has been the favorite uncle from day one. The nieces and nephews know he's an easy target to jump on the trampoline with them, wrestle, or play nerf gun wars. He can't wait to teach our children to sail, play soccer, and especially to cook (like his grandfather taught him).
We promise to love this baby more than life itself, to give them a safe and secure home where they can have every opportunity to become the best they can be. We have a wonderful church community with lots of young families, and dear friends with lots of kids as well (within walking distance) so this child will never be in want of friends or playdates. And we know our extended families will absolutely dote on them too - they are so excited already to meet this baby. He or she will get to join a large and loving extended family on both sides. We have 22 (and counting) nieces and nephews between the two of us, and they are all so much fun. As we have family on both coasts and travel often to visit, they will grow up with lots of trips to both oceans.
While we can only imagine the difficulty of the decision you are making right now, we want you to know we have the highest respect for you in this process. In all the uncertainty you must be facing right now, we want to assure you that, should you choose us, we promise to stay connected and send letters and pictures to you often. We would love to have you be more involved with this baby's life if that is something you are open to, whether that be texting or FaceTiming or future visits. We want this baby to know who you are, the sacrifice you made for them, and the love that that sacrifice was born out of.
We are both praying for you, and can't wait to meet you and baby.
Jerry & Kelsey
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