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Ben & Becca
Hello, we believe that adoption is a perfect way to grow our family. Becca grew up knowing that she was adopted at a very young age. We feel that we have enough love between us and are excited to share our love with a child. We have wanted to grow our family through adoption for a long time; for you to choose us as parents would make our family complete and mean everything to us.
Adoption in Our Lives

Becca was born in Colombia, South America along with her twin sister. At the age of 6 months Becca and her sister were adopted and grew up in Missouri. Becca also has an older brother who was adopted from Colombia, South America as well. When Becca was in grade school, she made friends with other kids that also grew up in the area and found out they were adopted as well.
From Becca: Growing up knowing that I had 2 moms, that were both important in different ways made me feel special. I felt special knowing my birth mom wanted the best for me by finding me a new home, and I felt special knowing my adopted parents chose me. Growing up I had a picture in my room that was a framed poem called "legacy of an adopted child". To this day I still have that picture and it will be in our child's room too. The basis of the poem is that two moms' play a very important role on a child who is adopted. I always knew that adoption was a special part of who I am today. I grew up always knowing that I was born in another country by another mom, and I have always been grateful that she gave me the opportunity to have and live a better life than what she could have provided.
Our Leisure Time

We live near several of the area attractions including the zoo, art museum, several parks and hiking trails. In our leisure time we love to spend as much time outdoors as possible. We had our first date together at the local zoo and that tradition of being outside has continued within our relationship. Becca is a huge animal lover and visiting and learning about the animals is one of her favorite things to do. We both look forward to sharing our love for nature and the outdoors with our child.
We love to garden; we have done a lot of the landscaping in our yard. In our front yard you will see newly planted rose bushes, tulips and daffodils, and in our back yard you will see a huge yard that we newly seeded with grass. Ben even taught Becca how to use a lawn mower for the first time! Ben is a great teacher, and we are both excited to share our love for gardening with a little one. We have even discussed getting a pot just for our child to plant their own garden.
We own a very sweet Golden Retriever named Ava Grace. There is a walking path down the street from our house that ends a local playground and Ava Grace always gets lots of love and attention from the neighborhood kids. We are excited take our child on all of Ava Grace's adventures.
Our Favorite Vacation Spot

We have been on several trips together and we both would say our favorite vacation spot would be Ashville, North Carolina. Ashville is an area that is in the mountains and has a beautiful scenery and hiking trails. While we were there, we hiked the Blue Ridge and watched the sunset at an over look at the top of the mountain. We also visited The Biltmore Estate and went on a hike around the grounds.
Family is very important to us both and Ben's parents are now retired and live at the Lake of the Ozarks. As a child, Becca's family went to the Lake of The Ozarks for family vacations, so being able to visit the Lake with Ben's extended family is very special. We both go to the Lake of the Ozarks for family get togethers during the holidays and just to have a weekend getaway. While we are at the lake, we love spending one-on-one time with our niece and nephew. We love being able to teach them to fish and are excited to be a part of their lives and build memories at such a young age.
We can't wait to be able to introduce our child to our niece and nephew and see how their cousin relationship blossoms as they will get to spend time together at the lake.

Our House and Neighborhood

We live in a four-bedroom, two-bathroom house and have a very large backyard in Missouri. In the front of our house you will see our newly planted tulips and daffodils for the season; we both love to do yard work and gardening. We are close to a lot of the attractions in our area of Missouri.
We have a grill on the back patio and that would be our favorite area of the house and Ben loves to grill on weekends. We have a Golden Retriever who adores children, her name is Ava Grace. We live right near the local elementary school and several nearby parks. We take Ava Grace on a walk along the walking path that is down the street from our house daily. On our daily walks we meet several children who are walking home from the local elementary schools nearby.
Our community is very supportive of local families and there are always annual events around the holidays such as neighborhood Easter egg hunts and Fireworks on July 4th. Our neighborhood is unique in the fact that we live across the street from a church, and that provides us the opportunity to meet and socialize with the entire community. Although we do not attend this church it has made meeting new people and expanding our friends and learning about the community very easy. We are looking forward to our child meeting our community and friends.
Our Extended Families

Ben grew up in Columbia, MO and Becca grew up in St. Louis, MO. Ben has two brothers, one younger and one older. Both of Ben's siblings are married, and his older brother has 2 kids. Ben's parents live at the lake of the Ozarks, and we all go down to the lake and play board games, go fishing, ride on the family boat and barbecue at the dock.

Becca has a twin sister and older brother who lives with his wife in California. Becca's older sister passed away in 2007. Becca's parents live very close by to Becca and Ben and both of us are very close to Becca's parents. Becca and Ben go over to Becca's parents' house weekly and one of the things we love to do is go swimming and spend time with Becca's parents golden retrievers.
Becca's parents have a pool and we take advantage of that during family gatherings. Becca's family tends to get together for holidays, which we host at our house. Becca's family has a tradition to get together several times a year and have her older sister's favorite food, KFC Chicken!!
Becca's family has a tradition to see Christmas lights in a local park and we have continued that tradition in our family. We look forward to sharing Christmas lights with our child. Our families are both excited about our adoption journey!
From Us to You

We want to start of this letter by saying "Thank you." Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and getting to know us a little better. We have been married since 2022, but have been together since 2016. We have discussed growing our family through adoption very early on in our relationship. Becca was adopted as an infant and we both thought that adoption was definitely the way we wanted to purse a child.
We do not know your circumstances, but we do know that choosing to place your child for adoption is a very difficult decision. Regardless of your circumstances, if you choose us as parents, we can guarantee that your child will grow up in family full of unconditional love. We have large support system that not only includes our families but includes a large group friends and neighbors who would love to help and support any child in our home.
Throughout the years adoption has always been our desirable option to grow our family. After getting married we decided to go ahead and pursue starting a family though adoption. We are very fortunate to have a number of adoptive parents on both sides of our family. Becca herself along with her identical twin sister and her older brother were all adopted. Since there have been a lot of adoptions we have seen first hand how our families will love and treat your child regardless of being biologically related. With the large number of adoptions between our families we have had a lot of exposure to the questions your child may have.
We have discussed many of the questions that have come up in Becca's childhood along with questions that have come up with other adopted children in our family. Honesty and transparency is something that we consider to be extremely important. We don't want the child to not know they are adopted. We plan on being upfront and transparent from very early on when telling them. They will know from a very young age the sacrifice and love for them you showed towards them by giving them up for adoption. They will know they were not abandoned but rather chosen by not only us but by you as well to live where they are.
Growing up Becca had a framed poem in her room titled "Legacy of and Adopted Child". Our favorite part of the poem is the line, "One (mom) sought for you a home that she could not provide, the other prayed for a child and her hope was not denied." We both have wanted to become parents for a long time, and we both want our child to know about you and know that you play a very important part of their adoption journey.
We can't imagine how difficult and how emotional this decision must be for you. We hope that by reading this letter you get a glimpse of what type of family your child will be a part of. We vow to love your child unconditionally and we will tell them about their adoption and about you from a very young age. We will send you pictures and letters or emails about your child and make sure you know you made the best decision for you and your child.
We have so much respect and admiration for your loving decision to place your child for adoption. As you continue to go through this process, we want to make sure you know that no matter what circumstances brought you to read this letter, we want you to know that your child will be loved by so many people. Your child's health, happiness and well-being will be our top priority and we vow to make sure you are supported in this process in any way we can. We can't thank you enough for giving us the gift we have always wanted.
Much love,
Ben & Becca
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