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Cody & Alaina
Thank you so much for looking at our profile. We know our child is out there and we cannot wait to begin the journey of meeting them. We are so looking forward to becoming parents and to the adventure that lies ahead. We consider ourselves blessed that you are considering us.
Our Family Dream

Our dreams for our child is to provide a safe and loving environment to help them become a happy and healthy individual. We want to give all the love and support we received in our childhood and give that to our child. We want to share our favorite sports, hobbies and activities with them and help them find what they love doing in their leisure time. We want to instill how important family is and give them lots of quality time with their aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. We wish to support our child into their adulthood and help make all their wishes and dreams come true and provide a foundation for them that they know will be there for their whole lives. We will not shy away from their adoption journey and raise them knowing how we all became a family. As a couple we are a family but are hoping to expand this family into finding our child and raising them together.
Fun Facts About Us:

Our Life Priorities
Our life priorities are our family, our marriage, friends and experiences. We are close with both of our families and make time and effort to spend time with them as much as we can. Family time is important to us.
We have worked and continued to put the time and effort into our marriage every day to ensure we are on the same page as one another and work as a team. We will never stop making one another a priority and working to provide a lovingly and stable home for ourselves and our child.
We love spending time with our closest friends, whether it is going to dinner or planning trips to see them or for them to come see us.
We also love traveling together. We don't plan to stop once we have our child and want to show them as much of the world as we can. We want to create a family bucket travel list and mark off as many destinations as we can as a family of three.

Our House and Neighborhood

We live in the country near small farming towns. Both of our families live very close and our some of our siblings have children of their own, so our child will grow up with a bunch of cousins.
The town closest to us organizes events downtown for every major holiday and hosts a food truck night once a month in town where we like to go and try something new to eat.
We live in a country-style home with five bedrooms and a swimming pool surrounded by orchards and open space that would perfect for a child to explore and play. Our favorite room is our living room where we like to watch movies, read and relax with one another. We have lots of space outside for our child to play and plan on making our backyard more of a playground for our child and their cousins.
Our Extended Families

Cody's immediate side of the family is bigger than Alaina's immediate side. We love to get together with both sides of our families whenever we can. Our extended families live within 15-20 minutes from us. When we are together we love to have dinner, talk, watch movies, and play games. We like to BBQ pork ribs for every major holiday.

Some family traditions we have are family dinners, we love to play board games, BBQing, some family members on Cody's side are into hunting.
Our family is unique because Cody's side of the family is a blended family that love and support one another. Alaina's side of the family moved in the last couple of years to be closer to her. Both sides of our families are excited for us and our journey to bring home our child. They have shown love and support and are interested in the whole process.
From Us to You

We are Alaina and Cody and we want to become parents. We have been trying unsuccessfully for a number of years to become parents and have looked at all of our options and avenues and feel that adoption is the best way to make our dreams become a reality. We are open to any gender and race. We are open to sending picture and letters to the birth parents to keep them updated. We feel the option of more contact is something we can discuss and communicate on when a couple has selected us. We are not opposed to a wider range of contact, but want to agree what that exactly means with the birth parents and ourselves, just so we are all on the same page.
It almost feels funny to say "This is why you should chose us, pick us...." We know as there is a lot of information being given to us, just like there is a lot being given to you. We know there are numerous couples out there who are just like us and wanting to complete and add to their family and are great options as well. So what we will say instead is what we can provide and what we will be like as parents. We are a couple who love one another very much and have been married for almost a decade. We feel lucky we found one another and have found our other half.
Life is full of hardships and the journey to become a family of three has proven that to us. We know everything happens for a reason, and our reason is we haven't had a child of our own because our child is out there and - when the time is right - will find our way to us. We have put our faith into the universe and are open to this journey we never thought we would be on and can't wait to see where we end up.
As a couple, we are different in many ways, but agree and work together on the bigger stuff. We balance one another out and have worked as a team throughout our marriage.
In picking us, we want the birth parents to know they are making the right choice. We love children and have always wanted to expand our family. We know we have the capacity and space to provide a home, safe place and protection for this child. We have our families and friends supporting us and there are so many people in our world who are excited to meet our child. Our child will be supported, cared for, loved and encouraged. We know we are going to make great parents and can't wait to find our child and continue as a family of three.
Thank you for taking the time to read our letter and look at our profile and see who we are. We hope you are doing OK and know you are making an important choice of your own by considering adoption.
Cody & Alaina
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