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Benjamin & Brandy
Thank you so much for allowing us to show you a glimpse of who we are. We are so lucky to have become parents through adoption and cannot wait to do it again. Adoption is so very close to our hearts and has helped us become a family. We are very excited to grow our family through adoption again and are looking forward to going through this journey with you as we pray for you both daily.
Adoption in Our Lives

Our two incredible daughters came to us through adoption. Our first daughter Charlotte was born in 2017. We got the call about her birth mom selecting us in December just a couple of weeks before Christmas. Charlotte is extremely extroverted and outgoing. She has never and will never meet a stranger. Whenever she's at the park, grocery store or outside in general she will strike up a conversation with anyone. She is one of the most friendly kids we know.
Evelyn is our second daughter who we adopted in 2022. She came to us around Thanksgiving and was the most perfect early Christmas present that year. She loves her big sister and is becoming quite outgoing herself. She keeps us on our toes as most toddlers do. She came to our family at the perfect time.
Adoption holds such an incredible place in our hearts not only because we adopted both our daughters, but also because all the things you experience with adoption are so unique and incredibly remarkable. The selfless love and bravery it takes to consider placing your child still leaves us in awe. It is an enormous responsibility that you're entrusting us with, and we don't take it lightly. We feel humbled and honored at the same time. We have witnessed first hand two amazing journeys with our own daughters and feel so gracious to have a front row seat to the adventure. We have gained two additional families because of adoption as we consider our daughters' birth families as part of our family. We love to send them pictures, texts, videos, and Christmas presents. It really helps our daughters to understand their stories and connect.
Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

Brandy About Ben: Ben is the most patient person I know. He is always the calmest in any situation and therefore always knows the right thing to say or do. This quality makes him so easy to rely on as a husband and of course as a dad. He is quiet but strong. He can usually be found listening to an entire conversation instead of being immersed in it. But I believe the reason he is as smart and perceptive as he is is because of the way he listens more than he speaks.
Ben About Brandy: Brandy has a heart for those around her, particularly her family and our birth families. She loves being with family and can usually be found in the center of any gathering chatting and cutting up with everyone. Brandy can talk with most anyone and has passed this ability onto both girls. She is a main part of the reason why both girls are so outgoing and friendly with everyone they meet.
Our Adventures

Traveling, specifically road tripping, is one of our favorite things to do as a family. The travel bug bit when we first started traveling for Ben's job and has grown into a passion. We have a goal to hit all 50 states and we're more than halfway there. We have a map that is full of pins of each route we have taken across the United States. In some states we visit national parks, some museums and monuments, and others just a scenic view from a highway. Some of our favorite trips have been to Boston, Aspen, Washington D.C. and Charleston. Before one trip comes to an end, we like to decide where the next one will take place.
No matter where we go, souvenir shopping is a must. We have let Charlotte begin to pick out her own souvenirs and it's so fun to see what she picks out and the memories she has associated with it. Charlotte is only 7 and has already visited 29 states and Evelyn has visited 17. We believe it's the best way to learn and make memories and can't wait to share this passion with another little one!

Our House and Neighborhood

Living in Florida certainly has its advantages. We usually have warmer temperatures throughout the whole year, which makes going to the pool and the beach year-round activities. We have access to some of the world's most beautiful beaches so a lot of our activities are centered around the water, which is why on the weekends we can usually be found doing something outside.

Our neighborhood is in the heart of suburbia, but we're also in a semi-rural area so our neighborhood is a very close-knit community. We have access to a ton of amenities, including trails, bike paths and even a fishing dock.
Living in Florida, visiting Disney World often is a must! It is our favorite go-to weekend getaway and a trip we love to do several times throughout the year. Watching Charlotte and Evelyn enjoy new things each time we go is the highlight of our trip. The last time we went, we couldn't help but think about how much bringing another little one would be such fun. Sharing all of the excitement, the cliché matching outfits, the pictures, the rides and the sweet treats are just some of the things we'd love to share with another little one.
Our Extended Families

Spending time with our families is something we look forward to all throughout the year.

Brandy is from a large family of six sisters and six brothers. Most of Brandy's family lives in Georgia which allows us to make weekend trips very often. Getting everyone all together is no small feat, but incredibly fun when we make it happen. Grilling out and playing games around the kitchen table is typically what any gathering consists of. With all the uncles, aunts and cousins, we have to get creative with space but it's part of a large family's charm.
Ben has two sisters and a brother, and his family is spread out over Texas, New Mexico and Alaska. His parents live right down the road, and we often go over to their house to swim in their pool and play games. His parents often walk by our house in the morning and the kids love to look out for them and chit chat as they go by.
Everyone on both sides is beyond excited to see our family grow again. They can't wait to add another little one to play games with, to read books with, to shop for and to teach new things.
From Us to You

Thank you so much for allowing us to show you a little glimpse about who we are. We hope we have been able to show you our hearts, who we are and our love for you and your baby. Our prayer is that we can help ease your mind about placing your baby with us. Although this decision is extremely difficult, we hope we can give you peace and comfort regarding your decision.
When Brandy was sixteen years old, she found out she was born without a womb. She has always known adoption would be the path for her future family. One of our very first conversations as a dating couple in college, 16 years ago, was that of pursuing adoption. We have known since the beginning of our relationship that adoption would be the path for us. We have been married for 12 years and adoption has been such an incredible journey for us.
We are excited about the potential to get to know you and add you as part of our family. We have been praying for you and your baby for months and cannot wait to meet you both. We are ecstatic about getting to welcome a new member to our family. If you place with us, please know that we consider you as part of our family too. We made a similar commitment to Charlotte and Evelyn's sweet birth moms, and we will make the same commitment to you. We plan on sharing many pictures, videos and letters with you as often as we can. We have done this faithfully with Charlotte and Evelyn's birth moms and have made several visits as well. This decision is not easy, but we want to ease your mind in anyway possible and we will continue to be here for you even after placement.
Welcoming your baby into our home would be an enormous honor and privilege and something we do not take lightly. We regularly attend church and our hope is that we can raise them to love God as we do. Your child will be God's special gift to us and we want them to know how special they are to not only because we love them but also because you specifically chose us to be their parents. As a result, we plan to tell your child early on that they are adopted, of your love for them and that they are our special gift.
Because they are such a special gift, we will raise them to never be ashamed of their adoption story and to know that our family would not be complete without them. With two other siblings that were adopted, your little one will be surrounded and reminded of their adoption story quite often. Charlotte frequently speaks about her birth family and has already written several letters and drawn pictures for them.
Thank you again for spending time to learn more about us. We will continue to pray for you and your baby as you continue on this journey.
Best Regards,
Benjamin & Brandy
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