National Birth Mother’s Day is May 11 this year, and we are excited to share the holiday with birth mothers, their children, and adoptive families.

What Is Birth Mother’s Day?

Birth Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate mothers who have placed their children for adoption. Mothers who choose adoption are making a brave step, and adoption can make a better future for their child and themselves.

On Birth Mother’s day, we honor the connection between children and their birth mothers and celebrate the love and care they share for each other as well as adoptive families.

How Is Birth Mother’s Day Different from Mother’s Day?

Some people celebrate birth mothers on Mother’s Day, so in some cases, this specific day may not be celebrated. But some families choose to set aside Birth Mother’s Day specifically for mothers whose children have been parented by an adoptive family.

Setting aside a special day for birth mothers means you can highlight the special connection birth mothers have to their children, which may give birth mothers, their children, and their children’s adoptive family a shared time and space to acknowledge the unique bond they have, uninterrupted by other plans.

When Is Birth Mother’s Day 2024?

Birth Mother’s Day is the second Saturday of May, which means that in 2024, Birth Mother’s Day is Saturday, May 11t.

Birth Mother’s Day Celebration Ideas

Celebrating Birth Mother’s Day can mean different things to different families.

If you are in an open adoption, then the possibilities are endless. You can send letters and gifts, set up a call or video message or even set up an in-person visit or plan an activity.

Creating traditions for Birth Mother’s Day can give your family something to look forward to, whether that is sending a photo album, sharing a video of the latest events in your life, having dinner together or meeting somewhere fun like the zoo or a park.

If you are in a closed or semi-open adoption, then you could celebrate Birth Mother’s Day by reflecting on the story of your child’s birth, and sharing any communication through your adoption agency.

Mother’s Day Gifts for Birth Moms

Depending on your relationship, you can buy a gift for a birth mother on Birth Mother’s Day, Mother’s Day or both.

If you keep in touch with her regularly, then you might have great insight on what she enjoys, and you can think about some common gift types that she might like: something to pamper her, something to entertain her, something useful, something sentimental or a fun, memorable experience.

Maybe you don’t know what to get. In that case, doing something that celebrates the ties that you have can be a beautiful gesture. You can write a letter or note and add a card, include pictures and express the important place she holds in your minds and hearts.

Mother’s Day and Adoption

Adoption plays a special role in Mother’s Day celebrations because of the mothers who make the brave choice to place their children for adoption. Adoption and Mother’s Day can be celebrated together on Birth Mother’s Day and Mother’s Day alike. No matter which day you choose to celebrate your adoption journey and the beautiful connections it has made, we support all the families whose lives have been impacted by adoption.