At American Adoptions, we believe that family is more than biology. Family is love. Adoption has an extensive history, separated into two general eras, with the first being before the 20th century and the second being the modern era of adoption that began in 1851.

When it comes to LGBTQ+ adoption rights, the history is brief and comes with the changes of norms in society as LGBTQ+ adoption rights expanded.

LGBTQ+ parents commonly had children through assisted reproductive technologies in the late 1980s and 1990s, but LGBTQ+ adoption discrimination remained for open same-sex individuals or couples.

In 2015, when Obergefell v. Hodges protected the rights of same-sex couples to marry, it allowed them to adopt as a married couple, too.

Today, the adoption process for a LGBTQ+ adoption is the same as any other hopeful adoptive family’s. Once you contact us, those steps include:

  • Step 1: Benefiting from our comprehensive services.
  • Step 2: Experiencing a short adoption wait time.
  • Step 3: Accepting an adoption opportunity.
  • Step 4: Getting to know the birth parents.
  • Step 5: Beginning life with your new family.

LGBTQ+ Adoption Laws

In 2016, Mississippi became the last state to lift their ban on LGBTQ+ adoption.

Adoption by members of the LGBTQ+ community has been legal in all 50 states since then, but there are still laws against LGBTQ+ adoption based on marital status, similar to heterosexual individuals or couples.

LGBTQ+ Adoption Statistics

As LGBTQ+ adoption laws have changed, so have the amount of LGBTQ+ adoptions. Diversity is more prevalent than ever in today’s families.

In adoption, specifically, you see families of all different types. In fact, same-sex couples are seven times more likely to be raising an adopted child and seven times more likely to be raising foster children than heterosexual couples.

Find an LGBTQ+ Adoption Agency

When it comes to adoption as an LGBTQ+ individual or couple, having the support of a reputable professional for this journey is vital.

When it comes to the LGBTQ+ community and the adoption process, our full-service, national adoption agency is here for you. Working with us means:

Working with our LGBTQ-friendly adoption agency gives you all the support you deserve at each step of the journey.

We offer birth parent support and counseling to hopeful adoptive families as well as a personal adoption specialist that will support you through every step of the process.

Our average wait time is 12 months, and there are sometimes concerns about wait times for heterosexual individuals and couples vs. adoption for LGBTQ+ individuals or couples. Those wait times to do not change based on your sexual orientation.

Our short wait times can be attributed to:

  • Marketing directly impacting wait times
  • Unlicensed professionals lying about wait times and costs
  • National adoption agencies having more accurate wait time estimates

From certain states not recognizing same-sex marriages in the past to only allowing certain kinds of adoption, LGBTQ+ adoption rights have come a long way. Although societal norms and laws against LGBTQ+ adoption have changed, our support has not. Our focus then, and now, has always been to help you complete a safe, legal and ethical adoption.