The holidays are just around the corner, which means it’s time for everyone’s favorite thing: Presents! Buying gifts for others is one the best feelings, but if your recipient is going through the adoption process, you might be unsure what to get them or how to find some alternatives that they might like.

We’re here to help. If you’re looking for something outside of the box for an adoptive or birth parent, keep reading and check out some of our favorite gift ideas.

1. Meal Delivery Services

Ordering a meal-kit delivery service is a helpful way to take stress off someone’s shoulders. These kits have become more popular than ever, especially with most of us now staying home.

There are plenty of options that you can choose from, and it’s an easy way to ensure that your loved one has fresh, healthy food for the whole week. And if your recipient is a vegan or a vegetarian, don’t worry — there are meal kits that can will cater to them too.

Some even ship the already-made meal to your doorstep, so your loved one doesn’t even have to cook!

Here are a few options:

Of course, there are plenty more to choose from outside of this list. Take a look around to find an option that fits your budget.

Many of these kits offer a trial in which you can get free delivery or a discount for first-time buyers, so don’t forget to take advantage of that during this busy holiday season!

2. Babysitting Services for Medical Appointments

Life as a birth parent can be exhausting. If you’re a friend or a family member who’s looking for a gift for a prospective birth parent who already has children, helping them find a babysitting service for their medical appointments can be a big help.

If you can, you might even offer up those services yourself! Giving an expectant parent a break from worrying can be extremely helpful during this busy time.

3. Meal-Prepping

One of the best feelings is having dinner already made when you get home. If you’re looking for another great way that you can help someone during the holidays, try getting into meal-prepping.

Meal-prepping ensures that your favorite person has healthy, ready-made meals all week long. And if you’re new to the process, there are plenty of tips that can help you get started.

4. Donating to an Adoptive Parent’s Adoption Fund

Adoption can be an expensive endeavor. It takes a lot of time, money and patience to make someone’s dreams of building a family come true. Instead of sending restaurant or movie gift cards during the holidays, you might put that money toward their adoption fund instead.

This might not seem like much at first, but you’d be surprised at how even a little bit can go a long way toward making someone else’s dreams come true.

5. Personalized Jewelry

Jewelry is one of the best gifts to give during the holidays.

Whether you’re buying for a birth or an adoptive parent, you could look for something to represent their adoption journey. You might choose to give them a bracelet engraved with their child’s birth date or a piece featuring their child’s birthstone. Whether you’re buying for a birth or an adoptive parent, you could look for something to represent their adoption journey.

No matter what you pick, look for something meaningful and special. If you’d like to put add even more of a personalized touch, you might think about making your piece by hand.

6. A Personalized Ornament

Hanging up and decorating the tree is one of the best parts about Christmas. If your recipient celebrates this holiday, you do something special to tie into the season.

One thoughtful idea? Give the adoptive parents a commemorative ornament to hang on their tree. You might include the date that their adoption was finalized or their child’s birthday.

You can find tons of great ideas on Etsy, but if you’re feeling crafty, you might decide to make one on your own.

7. Adoption-themed Books

Books are some of the best gifts you can give during the holidays. If you know of any adoption-related books, now would be a great time to share them.

Choose a book based on your loved one’s journey so far. Think about where they’re at — whether they’re waiting for the call or have already completed placement — and gift accordingly.

Remember, what one person will like may not work for someone else. If you’re unsure of what to give an adoption triad member, you can always reach out to your adoption specialist for suggestions about what would be appropriate. When in doubt, it never hurts to reach out to get their opinion about your gift idea.