Since 2011 you may have noticed American Adoptions’ recommitted focus to our blog and social media outlets. We truly hope you have found these new outlets to be a convenient way of learning more about adoption with American Adoptions, but also about adoption as a whole.

We know that many of our readers have Facebook profiles, and many have dabbled in Twitter, but today we are hoping you will consider joining Google+, which is about to change how we all find things on the Internet.

Google+ is the newest social media site on the Internet, backed by the biggest search engine company in the world, Google. It allows you to separate your connections, or “friends,” into circles, which allows you to say certain things to certain groups of people.

The week of January 9, 2012, Google announced Search+ Your World, which is a dramatic shift in how non-profits, companies and people are found through Google. Now, your Google search results will include your connections’ +1’s (likes) and their thoughts on the terms for which you are searching. The video below explains more.

So, for example, let’s say you are searching for the term “adoption.” If your best friend wrote a blog post on adoption, it will appear in your search results. If your mother +1’ed an American Adoptions blog post, that will also appear in your search results, along with Google’s traditional list of recommended websites based on the term “adoption.”

American Adoptions is continuously looking for ways to spread the good word of adoption and all of its countless benefits, and clearly Google+ is the next step in the ever-evolving world of the Internet.

We hope you will consider adding Google+ to your list of sites of interest and giving a +1 to American Adoptions’ articles or blog posts that you find educational or entertaining. Not only will your involvement help American Adoptions’ online presence grow, but it will also help shape your own future online experience, whether you are searching for adoption or something else altogether.

The future of search is certainly here! We hope you will join us for the ride, and we thank you for your continued support of American Adoptions.