With so many holidays on the way, it’s officially time to get into the holiday spirit! But if you are waiting for an adoption opportunity, it can be harder to enjoy the festivities.

To all of our waiting families out there, here are just a few things to keep in mind this holiday season:

Take Care of Yourself

Holidays can feel stressful when you’re waiting for an adoption opportunity, but don’t forget about your physical and mental health – and that might include taking time for yourself. If you can’t make it to every family event or gathering, it’s okay to bow out and do what’s best for you.

You can also be there for your partner. Both of you will probably need to talk about your feelings during this time, and you can support each other by communicating openly and simply being there for one another.

Surround Yourself with Loved Ones

The holidays are all about family, and your family and loved ones can be a great source of support. Don’t be afraid to reach out to them for when you need advice, emotional support, or just a little company.

Spending time with loved ones can also take your mind off of the wait. While you’re with others, find activities you enjoy that aren’t related to adoption, and consider spending time on things you won’t have as much time for once the baby arrives.

Look Toward the Future

It’s impossible to know exactly how long any particular family will wait for an adoption opportunity – but no matter how long the journey is, so many families look back and say that things turned out exactly the way they were supposed to. The adoption process can be long and complex, but it’s helpful to remember what is waiting at the end of that journey: your baby.

Happy holidays to all of our waiting families!