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Surrogate Qualifications [What Are the Requirements?]

Becoming a surrogate is a beautiful and selfless decision. Those who choose to become gestational carriers are doing so to give intended parents the gift of a child, they share a biological connection with.

It’s a physically and emotionally demanding process. That’s why there are surrogacy requirements she will need to meet.

Not everyone can handle the responsibilities and expectations of surrogacy. It requires a lot of time and energy.

That’s why it's important that a surrogate is prepared for the twists and turns of the surrogacy process. That’s why there are surrogacy qualifications in place.

Qualifications for surrogacy will vary from agency to agency. The best way to determine which qualifications a surrogate will need to meet is to contact a surrogacy specialist.

What are the Requirements for Surrogacy?

While surrogacy requirements may vary across different surrogacy agencies, many have similar screening standards in place based on the guidelines of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

These qualifications for surrogacy can be broken down into three main categories.

1. Physical Requirements to Become a Surrogate

Between fertility treatments and pregnancy, being a surrogate is a physically demanding process. That’s why there are physical requirements for surrogacy to ensure that the surrogate is ready to carry a baby for someone else.

Surrogacy specialists base their surrogacy qualifications on what will prove that you can safely carry and deliver a child.

Surrogate Requirements

  • Age range 21-43
  • At least one successful pregnancy, but no more than five vaginal births and no more than four Caesarean births
  • Currently raising a child
  • No major complications from previous pregnancies
  • No felony convictions

If a surrogate meets these surrogacy qualifications, then they would make an ideal surrogacy candidate. Contacting a surrogacy specialist is the best way to be sure that you do.

If you don’t meet one or more of these requirements, you may not qualify to become a surrogate. However, your surrogacy specialist may make an exception depending on your situation.

2. Psychological Qualifications for Surrogacy

While meeting the medical requirements for surrogacy is important, it’s just as important that a surrogate meet the psychological surrogacy requirements. Being a gestational carrier is an emotional and psychological journey.

When you apply to become a surrogate, you are committing yourself to a process that can last up to a year or more. It will require a lot of time and energy to help the intended parents become the parents they have always wanted to be.

Both parties will attend doctor’s appointments before and during the pregnancy, as well as attending meetings and calls together. It's important that the surrogate and her family are ready for the responsibilities and expectations of surrogacy.

In addition to your everyday responsibilities, you will be taking on the hormonal and emotional challenges of pregnancy.

While surrogate’s rarely get attached to the child they’re carrying, she may still have complex emotions throughout her pregnancy.

That’s why it's important that you are in an emotionally sound place before beginning the surrogacy process.

You can speak with your surrogacy specialist to get an understanding of the psychological requirements to be a surrogate and what emotional challenges you may experience.

3. Screening Requirements for Surrogacy

If you meet the surrogacy qualifications, you will then need to contact a surrogacy specialist. They will give you an application to fill out to determine your eligibility.

Once your application has been reviewed, your specialist will talk to you and will be able to answer any questions you may have.

The screening process includes both medical and psychological screening. This screening will determine your preparedness to become a surrogate.

Your spouse will need to complete a psychological screening with a mental health professional as well.

You will both be asked about your thoughts on surrogacy and how you will handle the complexities of the process.

Once a surrogate matches with intended parents, they will need to complete a medical screening before moving forward with the medical process.

To get more information about qualifications for surrogacy, reach out to a surrogacy specialist today.

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