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Placing Older Children for Adoption

Some women choose adoption while they are still pregnant. But many others don't realize that adoption is the best path forward until much later. Here's what you need to know about choosing adoption for your child.

What is an Adoption Transition Plan?

An adoption transition plan is a crucial part of introducing your older child their new life. But how does it work? Here's everything you need to know.

Will the Adoptive Family Change My Child's Name?

"If I place my older child for adoption, can the adoptive family change their name?" The answer to that is yes, but here’s what else you should know.

What's the Difference Between Open Adoption vs. Co-Parenting?

Is open adoption the same as co-parenting? Not exactly. Here’s what you need to know.

5 Big Questions to Ask Yourself Before Considering Adoption

You knew parenting would be hard. But for some women, the daily challenges make them wonder if adoption is a better option. There are 5 questions you need to ask yourself before putting an older child up for adoption.

5 Ways Cope after You Place Your Child for Adoption

Placing your older child up for adoption may be the toughest decision you ever make. As you prepare for this new chapter of your life, here are 5 tips on how to cope.

Is Placing an Older Child Up for Adoption a Crime?

Is adoption for your older child the right path, and if so, is it a crime? These are the facts about older child adoption you need to know.

stories from families who have adopted through American Adoptions