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Chris & Sarah

There's so much going on in the world now that is sad and scary, but the thought and intention of bringing an innocent baby into our home to care for and protect makes us look forward to our future as a family. We both harbor dreams of raising a child, teaching a child, and doing everything we can to nurture a child's happiness for the rest of our lives.

About Us

Electrical Training
Ph.D. in Engineering
Legally Married

Our Lifestyle

Exploring Rome

We have been married for 8 and half years now, and we've never been happier.

We're both in jobs that we love, we can take time off when we want, we can and do travel when we want, and we enjoy each other's company.

We love our house, our cats, and our friends that we see every weekend. We love to cook at home, we love to eat out. We go to Los Angeles when we want some variety, or spend the weekend in San Diego to see friends and family.

We are both in a good place, and we're ready to start a family. We have the support of both of our families behind us, and we have each other, as always.

Education We Will Provide

At the Air Force Museum

We're both strong believers in the importance of education for self-fulfillment and being able to provide for oneself. Sarah earned her Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate in engineering and now enjoys an interesting and fulfilling career. Chris is currently working his way through an Electrical program at his work that will certify him nationwide as an Electrician.

Sarah also has a great love of reading, and a child of ours will be surrounded by books and be read to and encouraged to read, as Sarah was, for as long as we live. We also imagine teaching our child to play and build things and create art projects. Chris will teach him or her about investing wisely, saving money, and balancing a budget. Sarah will teach him or her to write code, to sew, and help with homework. We see our knowledge as the most important thing we could give our child.

Cultural Diversity

Sarah's parents had jobs that took them to places all over the world while she was growing up, and she lived overseas in Somalia and Bangladesh from 5 years old to early teenage years before returning to the United States. This gave Sarah an invaluable appreciation for other people (different people), other cultures, and a unique perspective.

We would love a child of any race as our own, and we would do everything possible to educate that child about his or her heritage, make them proud to be whoever they are, encourage them to find their role models that look like them, and find friends and a support network so they know they're part of a larger community.


At the Botanical Garden
At the Botanical Garden
Chris Petting a Deer
Chris Petting a Deer
At the Grand Canyon
At the Grand Canyon
Meeting a Snow Monkey in Japan
Meeting a Snow Monkey in Japan
At the Beach in Florida
At the Beach in Florida
In Beautiful Hawaii
In Beautiful Hawaii
Chris Holding Nora
Chris Holding Nora
Sarah Reading With Our Cats
Sarah Reading With Our Cats
On Vacation in Minnesota
On Vacation in Minnesota
At a Wedding in San Diego
At a Wedding in San Diego
In a Bamboo Forest
In a Bamboo Forest
1 / 12
At the Botanical Garden
At the Botanical Garden
2 / 12
Chris Petting a Deer
Chris Petting a Deer
3 / 12
At the Grand Canyon
At the Grand Canyon
4 / 12
5 / 12
Meeting a Snow Monkey in Japan
Meeting a Snow Monkey in Japan
6 / 12
At the Beach in Florida
At the Beach in Florida
7 / 12
In Beautiful Hawaii
In Beautiful Hawaii
8 / 12
Chris Holding Nora
Chris Holding Nora
9 / 12
Sarah Reading With Our Cats
Sarah Reading With Our Cats
10 / 12
On Vacation in Minnesota
On Vacation in Minnesota
11 / 12
At a Wedding in San Diego
At a Wedding in San Diego
12 / 12
In a Bamboo Forest
In a Bamboo Forest

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

Our home is a brand-new home, in a diverse neighborhood on a hillside overlooking the valley. There are large shady trees along the street and grassy lawns. We have 4 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, and a large backyard. Our safe and quiet neighborhood is on the edge of the housing sprawl, so we’re surrounded by the natural hilly terrain, close to trails, and open, undeveloped land.

Basketball Game at Our Local Park

The neighborhood has a lot of different families and children of all ages. The family across from us has young children who ride their bicycles up and down the street. The area seems an ideal place to start a family; the city itself has 450 acres of parks, the largest one is less than a mile from our home. We enjoy walking to the nearby park and seeing kids playing baseball, soccer, and basketball. It's not unusual for us to run into either of our coworkers or an old acquaintance of Chris’s while we’re out and about.

Our Extended Families

Reading With Our Niece & Nephew

In our same town is Chris's dad and brother, both of whom we see regularly. Nearby in Arizona is Sarah's brother, sister-in-law, and 2 nephews and 1 niece, all under 4 years old. We visit them several times per year, usually coincident with a visit from Sarah's parents, who are retired in Florida.

Sarah's family is quite close, and stay connected with weekly FaceTime calls. We also visit Chris's dad, who is also retired, every week or two.

Hawaii With Our Niece & Nephew

Both sides of our family would adore having a small baby to gather around and spoil and love endlessly. Sarah's brother and sister-in-law have been the most supportive of our adoption journey because they know how much joy a child brings to a home. We spend holidays with the little niece and nephews and the grandparents, cooking, laughing, playing, reading, and they truly are the center of our family. Last Christmas we all went to Hawaii, where Sarah's mom is from, and the kids loved the beach, the sand, and the closeness of all the adults in the same hotel. It was truly a family Christmas event.

From Us to You

We met 8 years ago in a remote desert town, 2 hours outside of Los Angeles. Chris was working at the mine (he still does), and Sarah just finished her PhD at UCLA. She was starting an internship at a rocket company and all the testing was done in the desert. Her coworker suggested she share a house being rented by a mine worker (Chris) instead of commuting from LA. Sarah's coworker brought her to the house to introduce her to the mine worker, and she heard his voice before she saw him. His voice was deep and gentle and kind. When Sarah saw Chris for the first time, she knew she was going to like him. Chris's first words to her were, "Make yourself at home." That was fall, and we got married the following summer.

Since then, we've enjoyed being happily married, being our own team, traveling the world, living in San Diego for a few years, spending time with family, and pursuing financial security. Now we're finally ready to share our home with our own child and expand our little family circle through adoption. Chris has always wanted children and Sarah dreamed of adopting a child since she was in graduate school. We imagine family vacations, just the 3 of us, but also sometimes with our close-knit extended family ... When we spend time with our little niece and nephews, we read books together, we take slow walks around the neighborhood, we go to the pool. Chris imagines building a swing set in the back yard, Sarah imagines helping with schoolwork and teaching a child how to read.

Adoption means a lot to both of us. Chris and his older brother Mike had a difficult childhood. Both of their parents were unable to take care of them, and growing up, they relied on the kindness of neighbors. People in their community would stop by to check on the boys and drop off groceries. Chris and his brother would get ready for school each day, on their own, and take care of themselves as best they could. Chris hopes to provide a safe, happy home for our children in which they have everything they need to have a happy childhood.

Sarah's parents had jobs in which the family moved around the world, stationed in Somalia (the horn of Africa) and Bangladesh (near India). Her father worked in agriculture, implementing programs to help farmers produce more food. Her mother worked in health and education, working to improve the schools and medical care available to the public. During her childhood, Sarah was surrounded by children who had nearly nothing, but still laughed and played. To this day, it is hard to see children who don't have access to food, water, education, everything the average American takes for granted. If she could, she would provide those basic things to every child, so they can enjoy their childhood to the fullest.

After adoption, we’re open to phone calls (video or voice calls), letters, email, exchanging pictures, and visiting birth parents in person. We often take vacations to visit family on the other side of the country, so anywhere in the continental U.S. is doable for annual visits.

We're both deeply committed to give the gift of stability and security to a child for the rest of our lives, and we thank you for considering us from the bottom of our hearts.

Chris & Sarah


Ryan Renolds
Edward Norton
Natalie Portman
Priyanka Chopra
John Grisham
Ursula Le Guin
The Client
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
Candy Bar
Family Guy
Childhood Memory
Summers in Oregon with my brother
Playing with my younger brother
Childhood Toy
Children's Book
The Cat and the Hat
The Little Prince
Las Vegas
Washington D.C.
Classic Movie
Full Metal Jacket
Sound of Music
Day of Week
Peach cobbler a la mode
Strawberry shortcake
Disney Movie
Alice in Wonderland
Dream Car
Lucid Air
Dodge Charger
Dream Job
Dream Vacation
Family Activity
Flower / Plant
Form of Exercise
Holiday Song
Silent Night
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
Holiday Tradition
Opening one gift on Christmas Eve
Ice Cream
Chocolate malted crunch
Rocky road
Junk Food
French fries
Leisure Activity
Sports Illustrated
Scientific America
Memory with a Child
Vacation in Hawaii with niece and nephews
Walking through quiet neighborhood with little niece
Memory with Spouse
Visiting snow monkeys in Japan
Walking through Mojave neighborhood where we met
Full Metal Jacket
The Painted Veil
Movie Munchie
Giant pickle
Movie Quote
"Show me the money."
"I hate being right all the time." From Jurassic Park.
Movie Type
Science fiction
Nightmare before Christmas
Musical Group
The Temptations
The Judds
Nursery Rhyme
Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree
Olympic Event
Personal Hero
Warren Buffet
Catherine the Great
Book of Mormon
Edgar Allen Poe
Robert Frost
Quality about my Spouse
She's smart
He's unflappable.
"Be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy."
"The world belongs to those who read."
Ruth's Chris
Turkey bacon ranch
Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.
The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.
Shopping Store
"Every Light in the House is on" by Trace Adkins
Crazy Lucky
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Payton Manning
Tom Brady
Sports Team
Subject in School
Thing to Cook
Roast chicken
Time of Day
Christmas vacation
Mom's Thanksgiving
TV Show
The Sopranos
Rick and Morty
TV Show Character
Tony Soprano
Leela from Futurama
Type of Music
Vacation Spot
Las Vegas
San Diego
Video Game
Grand Theft Auto

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*Once you have filled out this form, an American Adoptions specialist will help you get in touch with this family. You can also call 1-800-ADOPTION (236-7846) to speak with an adoption specialist immediately.