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Caylan & Mairim
Hello! We are Mairim and Caylan. We currently live in the United Kingdom along with our cat, Salem and our dog, Skye. Having a child would mean the world to us, we want to travel, share experiences, and grow our family. We want to show them and give them the world. Choosing us to be parents would mean a lot to us, and we hope you take us into consideration.
Our Leisure Time

In our leisure time, we love to travel and explore new places. Sometimes we plan our travels, while other times, we let our feet be our guides. We love finding new restaurants and participating in the local culture, whether by attending a local festival or a class on creating local food dishes. When we are not traveling abroad, we like to explore the UK and visit different historical sites. We also enjoy attending festivals such as medieval festivals or art festivals and attending the theater or other live shows. We also love to do different activities with our dog such as taking her to a new park or a new hike, or the beach. We also do movie nights and game nights. Some of the things we would like to do as a family are sharing our love of travel with our child. Now that we live in Europe, travel is very accessible. We would be able to explore castles in Germany, celebrate Three Kings Day in Spain, and learn about Romans while visiting Rome as a family. Besides traveling, we want to have family movie nights and family game nights where we play Chutes and Ladders, candy land, and later on, monopoly. Caylan could teach them soccer while Mairim can teach them photography or something art related.
Our Favorite Vacation Spot

Our current favorite vacation spot is Edinburgh, Scotland. It is a short drive from our home and truly a beautiful place filled with history. Mairim is a big Harry Potter fan so naturally when she discovered Edinburgh's significance and role in the series, we had to visit and we have loved it since. We visit frequently and would love to someday buy a place in Edinburgh near the castle. We love visiting all of the different historical sites, attending one of the many different festivals the city hosts, and hiking the local hill called Arthur's Seat.
Another vacation spot we visit frequently is Puerto Rico. Although we mainly go to visit Mairim's family, we always end up doing something new and spending time together at one of Puerto Rico's breathtaking beaches.
Education We Will Provide

Education is very important for us. For our child, we would like to provide the best education possible. We are lucky to live in a village known for its private school which we would gladly pay for. This school is a real-life Hogwarts set in 16th-century buildings. Kids get placed in houses and get to do events for the house they belong to. If they want to be a part of a team, they would get the chance to travel all around Europe with their team for their sports games. Which we would love to watch them play and cheer them on wherever they go. The school also organizes different cultural enrichment trips where they go to a palace for a day and learn its history. They also take different trips around Europe to learn about its history. Art-focused trips are very popular. We feel that the opportunity to live in the area and attend this school will be exceptional for the child's development while having fun and being part of a caring environment where they can thrive. We are also located between two of the most prestigious Universities in the UK; Oxford and Cambridge.

Our House and Neighborhood

We recently moved to a charming market village in the United Kingdom, known for its excellent education system and picturesque 18th-century buildings. The area is home to one of the best private schools in the UK.

Our home is three stories with four bedrooms, two full bathrooms, and one-half bathroom. We have a backyard that our dog loves to run around and play in. Across the street from our home is a small park where kids and teens usually like to hang out. Football (soccer) is very popular here, and there are many fields around our house where kids of all ages go to play.
The town center is a 3-minute walk from our house. Everything we need is just a 5 to 10-minute walk, including doctors' offices and schools. Our town is also known for its weekly farmer's market and its festivals.
There are multiple nature trails nearby and we live near a couple of castles that host different types of events. We are also in a centralized location with easy access to the train station which makes us just a 45-minute train ride to London's King Cross and other major cities.
Our Extended Families
Mairim is an only child but grew up close enough to her cousins to call them sisters while Caylan is the youngest of three and comes from a close-knit family. We both hope to have a large family of our own one day. Our love of travel keeps us away from our families but we always try to visit as much as we can.

Our family visits us whenever they can and we usually take a mini family vacation to show them around. We are lucky to get the best of both worlds. On Caylan's side of the family, they like to gather and celebrate big holidays. Food at our family events is normally a Southern type of meal with beans, potatoes, chicken, or turkey. Meanwhile, on Mairim's side of the family, we usually meet with them in Puerto Rico where we usually have numerous family gatherings. We like to play board games amongst the adults and children. During the holidays, we usually bake traditional Puerto Rican meals and desserts.
Both sides of the family are very excited about the adoption. Both grandparents can't wait to spoil their grandchild.
From Us to You

We are Mairim and Caylan and we are happy that you are considering us for the adoption of your child. We are explorers who travel the world along with our dog Skye and our cat Salem and we are looking to add one more traveler. We hope this letter provides a glimpse into our lives now and how it could be.
We have longed for a child and to expand our family, as well as give a child as much love and support as we can offer. We met while we were both serving in the United States Army which we feel this has prepared us for almost any situation in life. We have been together for 9 years and have been married for 8 years. Over the years we have come to realize that we complete each other. What we lack separately in skills and in knowledge the other makes up for, ever since we have been together life has been overall easier and we love how we complete each other in this way. Since the beginning of our relationship, we have discussed the possibility of adoption but decided to wait until we were in the right place to provide a good steady life for a child and provide them with exceptional education, a healthy life, and an active lifestyle.
Something we share deeply is our love for traveling, since we have been together, we have traveled to many different countries where we have learned and experienced the culture of each place we visit. Our love for travel is something we want to share with a child, and we want them to learn from traveling the same as we have. We are very excited to have recently moved to the United Kingdom and for the opportunity to explore all of Europe. We are fortunate to live in a charming English village which is home to one of the best private schools in the UK. Our village is very safe and child friendly. We can always hear children playing outside. We are also a multicultural family. We believe knowing more than one language is essential and we would teach them how to speak Spanish.
Another big part of our life is our pets, Salem our cat, and Skye our dog; they are both fun, loving, and excellent with children, we can't wait for them both to chase a child around the house and play with them. Skye has already begun practicing with our friend's child, when their child is around Skye will follow him around and make sure he does not go too far from us or his parents. Lastly, we would like to share many different aspects of our life with a child such as weekly board game nights, movie nights, athletics, birthdays, and everything in between, we have longed to share these moments with a child and expand our family. We wish to one day have at least three children and share our lives with them while supporting them through their childhood and life. We can't imagine how hard of a decision this is for you, we want to assure you that if chosen we promise to respect whichever level of openness and contact that you may want to have. We want you to know that we promise and give you our word that we will provide your child with a happy, healthy, loving, and supportive life.
Thank you,
Caylan & Mairim
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