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Daniel & Alina

Our adoption journey begins with you! Thank you for taking the time to learn a little more about us and we look forward to the opportunity to meet you as well! We are excited to become parents and appreciate your consideration of us as the future parents of your child. We feel we have so much to offer a child and can't wait to start making memories as a family.

About Us

Buyer/Supply Chain
Technical Recruiter
Bachelor's Degree in Business - Operations
Bachelor's Degree in Communications
Legally Married

Our Hopes for an Open Adoption

Just the Two of Us

We cannot wait to welcome a baby into our lives and have a large support system of family and close friends who are just as eager to welcome this little one to the family!

One of Alina's childhood friends was adopted as a baby. Her adoption was a closed one and Alina learned a lot about adoption through her friend's experience. She always wanted to know more about her past, where she came from and had a lot of questions- we are hoping that with communication and contact this is something that will be avoided for our child. While we will love them and bring them into our family fully, we also want them to understand their background and how much they were wanted. We want them to know how their birth parents gave us the opportunity and gift of becoming parents, because adoption, to us, is the most selfless gift someone can give.

Our Leisure Time

Alina at the Kane Brown Concert

Where do we start? We have things we like to do together but what makes our relationship special is we also have things we like to do on our own and take time for ourselves. With the wide range of hobbies and interest we have, we will be sure to offer our child all the life experiences, travel, and variety of activities that they choose to be a part of (sports, arts, etc).

What we enjoy together: Camping- we have a large camping trailer and spend as much time, during the good weather seasons, camping at different locations. Fishing, boating, watching movies, walks with our huskies, going to the beach, puzzles, hosting game nights at our house, watching football with friends and BBQing are just a few of our hobbies. We also love to travel and try to go on a few trips each year- a trip to Disney is always one of them!

Daniel's hobbies: Daniel is learning to weld- something he has always wanted to learn. He was recently gifted a welding machine and is being taught by one of our friends. Building things around the house, hunting trips with his friends, learning new technologies, metal detecting, and expanding his education by currently getting his Master's degree.

Alina's Hobbies: Alina loves music and has been to over 300 concerts in her life! She enjoys a girl's night with her friends and mom to see a good musical group/singer. She also loves to read, tackle a new Disney puzzle with her mom, crafting, quilting, and did she mention concerts?

Our Pets

At the Pumpkin Patch with Our Huskies

Our boys! We have two Siberian huskies named Charlie (4yrs old) and Gunny (11yrs old). They are a huge part of our life and we take them everywhere we can. Even when we go on vacation, they come with us. They are just as much a part of our family as our human family. We enjoy doing many activities with them, one of which is urban mushing (dog sledding with a scooter) which we did a lot more when Gunny was younger. They love the beach and enjoy playing in the water. And of course the love long hikes! Each Christmas they get their own stocking of treats and every birthday they get a special dinner and treats as well.

Through having them we have made friends with a large group of other husky owners and would have get togethers at the beach, when we lived in CA. We often have get togethers with our best friends and their two huskies. Their son, our nephew, would love running around the house and yard with all the puppies and they love him! We can't wait for our child to be as close to them as he is.


Whitewater Rafting With Our Godchildren
Whitewater Rafting With Our Godchildren
Alina after a Ride
Alina after a Ride
On a Hike in Northern  California
On a Hike in Northern California
Daniel with Our Cousins in San Francisco
Daniel with Our Cousins in San Francisco
In the Bahamas
In the Bahamas
Visiting London
Visiting London
Daniel and Alina attending a Joh Mayor Concert with their Best Friends
Daniel and Alina attending a Joh Mayor Concert with their Best Friends
Swimming with Dolphins
Swimming with Dolphins
Daniel in London - One of Our Favorite Vacation Spot
Daniel in London - One of Our Favorite Vacation Spot
At Disney With Our Goddaughter
At Disney With Our Goddaughter
On a Cruise to the Bahamas
On a Cruise to the Bahamas
In San Francisco Visiting Family
In San Francisco Visiting Family
1 / 12
Whitewater Rafting With Our Godchildren
Whitewater Rafting With Our Godchildren
2 / 12
Alina after a Ride
Alina after a Ride
3 / 12
On a Hike in Northern  California
On a Hike in Northern California
4 / 12
Daniel with Our Cousins in San Francisco
Daniel with Our Cousins in San Francisco
5 / 12
In the Bahamas
In the Bahamas
6 / 12
Visiting London
Visiting London
7 / 12
Daniel and Alina attending a Joh Mayor Concert with their Best Friends
Daniel and Alina attending a Joh Mayor Concert with their Best Friends
8 / 12
Swimming with Dolphins
Swimming with Dolphins
9 / 12
Daniel in London - One of Our Favorite Vacation Spot
Daniel in London - One of Our Favorite Vacation Spot
10 / 12
At Disney With Our Goddaughter
At Disney With Our Goddaughter
11 / 12
On a Cruise to the Bahamas
On a Cruise to the Bahamas
12 / 12
In San Francisco Visiting Family
In San Francisco Visiting Family

Our House and Neighborhood

Home Sweet Home

We have a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with almost an acre of property. We spend most of our time at home in the living room snuggling with our puppies and watching movies or playing games with friends in our huge dining room. The house is at the end of a long cul-de-sac in a neighborhood outside of town. While it's not in the country it feels like it- and we love it! We have some great families that live on our street with their children and puppies. Over the last few years, we have made quite a few friends on our street. One of our favorite things to do is, on the 4th of July, we all get together and have a firework show. We have a ton of walking trails, parks, and educational attractions to visit. We have great companies that we work for that have so many family-friendly events like baseball games, pumpkin patch picnics, and family volunteer events. We live in such a child and dog friendly community, which is exactly what we were looking for when we moved here.

Our Extended Families

Go Broncos!!

We love our family and are both very close to our family and friends. Our friends have become more like an extended family to us. So much so that our best friends have a son that is known to us as our "nephew" because we are all so close. Even though we are both only children, our parents were not. So, we have a lot of cousins, and they have many children. We were very close to these cousins growing up, so it never felt like we were only children. Alina also has a friend she has known since childhood, that is like her sister, and they have been close most of their lives.

At Disneyland

This child will be the most loved and wanted baby, and we look forward to making memories with this baby and our family.

From Us to You

Our journey to adoption starts with you. We can't even being to imagine the hard decision of choosing parents to raise your child. It is our hope this letter puts your mind at ease. We hope that you feel comfortable that we will provide the best life and upbringing for our future child and you choose us.

Daniel and Alina have been together for a very long time. We met in 2003 and were introduced by a mutual friend. We had an immediate connection and it was like we had known each other our whole lives. We were together for two years and then got married on our anniversary in 2005- we got married young! We have been together ever since- 19 years together and 17 years married. Sometimes people say it is not good to marry young because you change as you get older, etc. In our case, we changed together and have a great relationship. Being together this long, and it just being the two of us, we have built a great foundational relationship and just enjoy living our life together. Though there has always been the want to grow our family and become parents.

We love having kids in our life. We have so many family members and our nephew that we enjoy spending time with, babysitting, taking them on adventures, etc. But we are also ready to be parents of our own. We have been blessed with a great life and we want to be able to offer the same life to our child. It is our hope that we will partner with birth parents who are open to communication and contact throughout our child's life. We want to be able to share their life with you in letters, pictures and even visits, should you be open to that. We know not all birth parents are, and we will respect whatever decision you have made. But we hope it is one that will include ongoing contact with us and this child.

Daniel is going to be a great dad. He is amazing and the most loving, caring, intelligent person Alina knows. And he tells her all the time that she is going to be a great mom, and she knows she will. We have been through so much to become parents and it's something we will never give up on. We know there is a child out there that is meant for us and we are ready to meet them!

And then there is the most important piece to this adoption. You. By choosing us to be your child's parents you are giving us the most precious gift. Something we would never have been able to achieve on our own. So thank you. Thank you for making the choice to give the gift of life to us or whoever you do decide to choose. It really is the most selfless thing to do, and we admire your strength in making such a hard decision.

We hope that learning more about us and the life we have together is a life you would like your child to share. We love our life, our family and friends and can't wait to add this sweet baby to our family.


Daniel & Alina


Robin Williams
Gerard Butler
Sandra Bullock
Dolphins and horses
Robert Kiyosaki
J. K. Rowling
Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
Harry Potter Series
Candy Bar
Snickers or KitKat
Not a huge candy fan, but if I had to choose... Snickers would be it.
Family Guy
Anything Disney!
Childhood Memory
At the lake with my family
Going to Disneyland with my mom after school.
Childhood Toy
Children's Book
The Berenstain Bears
Classic Movie
A Christmas Story
The Sound of Music
Green or Blue
Blue and Sage Grren
Day of Week
Ice cream
Not a huge sweets person, but if I had to pick. Cheesecake!
Disney Movie
Beauty and the Beast
Dream Car
Audi R8
1957 Chevy Bel Air
Dream Job
Electro-Optics Engineer
Music Producer
Dream Vacation
Ireland and Scotland
Ireland and Scotland
Family Activity
Game nights
Flower / Plant
Citrus trees
Fried chicken
Mexican food.
Form of Exercise
Biking or Rollerblading
Card games
Any kind of card or trivia game
Crafting projects, puzzels, etc
Holiday Song
White Christmas
White Christmas; O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Holiday Tradition
Dinners with family
Decorating! Love all the lights and the tree.
Ice Cream
Mint Chip
Butter Pecan
Junk Food
Ice cream
Chips... All the chips!
Leisure Activity
YouTube DIY/Tech videos
Not a magazine person.
Memory with a Child
Paintball game with Alina's cousins on their farm.
Taking out best friend's son, our "nephew," to Disneyland.
Memory with Spouse
Buying our first home
Our last trip we took to the Bahamas. It was so relaxing just laying on the beach, swimming and spending time together. Also its was the first trip in a while and we were so excited to be traveling again!
Beauty and the Beast
Movie Munchie
Movie Quote
"Hey, Hey"- My favorite greeting when seeing people.
"It's like we have ESPN or something!"
Movie Type
Action or Musical
Musical Group
Kane Brown
Too many to name. Music is a huge part of my life. But to name a few: Panic At the Disco!, Gavin Degraw, Chris Young, Lewis Capaldi, and the list goes on.
Nursery Rhyme
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Olympic Event
Down Hill Ski Jump
Swimming and Diving events
Personal Hero
My dad
My Aunt Jeanette.
A Midsummer Night' Dream
Edgar Allen Poe
Quality about my Spouse
How caring she is
His ability to know how everything works (mechanically)
"Live your best life"
Toothsome Chocolate Factory
Shopping Store
Home Depot
Old Navy
Memory by Kane Brown
Belief by Gavin Degraw
Sport to Play
Soccer and Basketball
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
John Elway
Sports Team
Denver Broncos
Denver Broncos
Subject in School
Math and Science
Captain America
Captain America
Thing to Cook
King Crab
Time of Day
Early mornings
Our 4th of July fireworks
Every Christmas Daniel and I don't buy gifts for each other. Instead we pick a house project and do that.
TV Show
The Big Bang Theory
Survivor,;The Big Bang Theory; NCIS
TV Show Character
Gibbs from NCIS
Gibbs on NCIS, or Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory.
Type of Music
Vacation Spot
London, Hawaii, Disneyland/World.
Video Game
Call of Duty
Candy Crush

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*Once you have filled out this form, an American Adoptions specialist will help you get in touch with this family. You can also call 1-800-ADOPTION (236-7846) to speak with an adoption specialist immediately.