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Ethan & Laura

Thank you so much for considering us! Ethan has an adopted sister so we've seen first-hand how magical adoption can be. We are warm, kind, down-to-earth people living our lives in beautiful Colorado. We know we will make a child very happy, and we will be FOREVER GRATEFUL if you are the one to give us that opportunity.

About Us

Group Product Manager
Stylist in Commercial Film
Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Legally Married

Adoption in Our Lives

Ethan's Sister's Graduation

Ethan has a younger brother Jordan (17 months apart), but his parents always wanted a daughter. So when Ethan and Jordan were in elementary school, his parents started trying for a third child. They had several painful miscarriages and started looking into adoption.

Ethan's mom grew up in Russia and moved to the U.S. when she was 17, so she wanted to help a child from her home country by giving them the great life that she said. They adopted Jessica at 1-year old.

When Jessica came home, Ethan saw how much he, Jordan, and his parents immediately fell in love with her. It didn't matter if she was adopted, or where she was adopted from, or what she looked like. She was their sister/daughter, and they loved her from day one.

When Ethan and Laura met, Laura quickly became the older sister that Jessica never had.

Through Jessica, we've seen that "adopted children" are just "children", no different from their biological siblings. Ethan never thinks of Jessica as his "adopted sister" (he often forgets that she was adopted). If we're being honest, she's probably the favorite child :)

She is about to graduate from college with a degree in architecture, and she is closer than ever with her brothers and sisters-in-law.

Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

Getting Married in the Snow in Aspen

Laura About Ethan: Ethan is confident, loving, and caring. I've never met a more genuine soul than Ethans. The moment I met him, I immediately felt like I had known him forever and that he was a best friend and he has always treated me as such, with the utmost respect. We've been inseparable ever since.

In addition to being my best friend, Ethan is also one of the most hardworking people I know and never settles for "good enough". I love that he is constantly growing and improving himself. It's inspiring to watch him consistently challenge himself and hit the milestones and goals that he sets for himself. If Ethan is struggling with something, he immediately finds a way to improve or solve the problem he is up against.

I think the most important quality that Ethan has though is how consistent he is. He's stable in all his job, in how he treats you, in his drive, in his day-to-day activities. I couldn't ask for a better partner to do life with.

Ethan About Laura: I know it's cheesy, but Laura is truly the best person I've ever met. From the moment we met, I felt comfortable, I could immediately tell that she had a great heart. She's warm, kind, caring, and extremely generous. And she constantly displays these traits in her everyday life.

Recently, she saw a young homeless guy on the street in Boulder. He had just gotten out of jail and needed help getting on his feet. She stopped her day to buy him toiletries, food, and drinks, and gave him a North Face jacket to make it through the winter.

On a less serious note, Laura cries at everything, and it's adorable. She cries at every movie and TV show (even if its a comedy). And then usually laughs at herself for being so emotional.

I feel so lucky that I get to live my life and raise kids with someone so selfless and caring.

Professional Life/Career

Laura at Work Styling a Set

Laura is a freelance wardrobe stylist and set designer for commercials. She helps companies like North Face make their TV and internet ads. This requires her to be on-set for long days several times a month. Ethan is a tech executive (formerly at Google) working on products that help people collaborate. He taught himself to code and works hard to make sure our family has a stable life.

However, as much as we both love our jobs, we always treat each other and our future children as priority. Some examples of this are:

  • Ethan has unlimited paid time off at work, and uses it often. Laura is self-employed and can decide when she wants to work
  • Ethan never works nights, weekends, or holidays. We always have dinner together and keep our weekends for fun adventures
  • Laura never takes jobs that might conflict with a fun vacation (eg over 4th of July, Memorial Day, Christmas, etc)
  • Ethan is planning to retire early (in about 10 years) to spend time with family, start a dog rescue, and maybe become a high-school coach
  • We think that there is no point in working hard and being successful if you don't get to enjoy life with your family. When we have kids, we plan to maintain our boundaries with work so we can do school drop-off pickup every day, go to all of the extra-curricular activities, and take them on our adventures. We can't wait!!


    Ethan Skiing
    Ethan Skiing
    Decorating Gingerbread Cookies
    Decorating Gingerbread Cookies
    Ice Caves in Canada
    Ice Caves in Canada
    Hiking in Moab
    Hiking in Moab
    Hanging Out With Our Nephew in California
    Hanging Out With Our Nephew in California
    Exploring Hawaii
    Exploring Hawaii
    Sydney, Australia
    Sydney, Australia
    Hiking in Colorado
    Hiking in Colorado
    Together in Greece
    Together in Greece
    Celebrating a Wedding
    Celebrating a Wedding
    Skiing in California
    Skiing in California
    Laura at Her Art Show
    Laura at Her Art Show
    1 / 12
    Ethan Skiing
    Ethan Skiing
    2 / 12
    Decorating Gingerbread Cookies
    Decorating Gingerbread Cookies
    3 / 12
    Ice Caves in Canada
    Ice Caves in Canada
    4 / 12
    Hiking in Moab
    Hiking in Moab
    5 / 12
    Hanging Out With Our Nephew in California
    Hanging Out With Our Nephew in California
    6 / 12
    Exploring Hawaii
    Exploring Hawaii
    7 / 12
    Sydney, Australia
    Sydney, Australia
    8 / 12
    Hiking in Colorado
    Hiking in Colorado
    9 / 12
    Together in Greece
    Together in Greece
    10 / 12
    Celebrating a Wedding
    Celebrating a Wedding
    11 / 12
    Skiing in California
    Skiing in California
    12 / 12
    Laura at Her Art Show
    Laura at Her Art Show

    Our House and Neighborhood

    Our Colorful Neighborhood

    Boulder, CO is a city of about 100k people, located right up against the mountains in Colorado. It's a very safe and quiet town with virtually no crime (we don't even lock our bikes!). Boulder is known for "Pearl Street," which is a walking-only street downtown with a bunch of shopping/restaurants. There are hiking trails everywhere, and skiing is only about 30 minutes away.

    We live in a 3-bedroom condo in North Boulder that we love. We have a big connected living room/kitchen area with a cozy fireplace, which is where we spend most of our time (and where we put up our Christmas tree in the winter). Most importantly, we have a big backyard where our dogs love to do zoomies and play with their toys.

    Our neighborhood is ADORABLE and has "pocket parks" everywhere, which are little playgrounds nestled in between houses and not bordered by any streets, so they're very safe for small kids. Most of the residents in our neighborhood are young adults around our age with small children, so there are always kids running around on skateboards, bikes, etc.

    We also have a beautiful dog park less than 5 minutes away where we like to take the big dog (Joey) to play with other bigger dogs so he doesn't annoy his older brother too much.

    Finally, we live less than 10 minutes from the Boulder Reservoir, which basically turns into a "beach" during the summer where you can swim and even go boating!

    Our Extended Families

    With Our Parents

    We both come from tight-knit families, and both of our parents are still happily married. Laura has an older sister Lena, and Ethan has a younger brother Jordan and a younger sister Jessica (who was adopted from Russia). Lena has a 6-month-old baby and Jordan is about to have a baby too, so your child would have cousins to play with while they grow up!

    Laura's Family

    We've visited Lena's son (baby Nathan) in Michigan almost every month of his life so far! When we visited last month, we helped him practice standing up and climbing up his baby playground. When we visit, we jump in just like parents would, changing diapers, giving baths, and reading him bedtime stories. Laura loves her nephew so much that she cries every time we have to go back home.

    We always spend Christmas with one set of parents and Thanksgiving with the other. Our parents both love skiing as much as we do, and we go on at least 3-4 trips per year with our extended families.

    From Us to You

    Hi potential birth mother!!! First of all, thank you for making this choice to give your child to a family. We are so grateful for your choice. We know that our strong, loving relationship and fun-loving life in Colorado will provide a wonderful home for your child, so we wanted to tell you a bit more about us :)

    We have been married for almost 3 years but together for 8+ years, and we love each other A TON. We've been through some tough times together (especially not being able to have our own children), but the tough times have only brought us closer. We both have "warm and fuzzy" personalities, so during the rare times we do fight, we always make up and grow from it.

    We both have stable jobs. Ethan works full-time for a tech company and provides a healthy income, and Laura works part-time as a wardrobe stylist for commercials (so she's the cool one). We love our jobs because we make plenty of money to create a stable home, but also have lots of flexibility and time off for fun activities with our future child.

    In our free time, we do as much as we can to take advantage of the amazing outdoor living that Colorado offers. During the winter, we're usually in the mountains skiing and enjoying the snow. In the summer, we spend lots of time in our backyard or dog park playing with the dogs, and we're trying to learn to play golf. While we spend a lot of time outdoors, we also love chilling on the couch and watching reality TV. It's all about balance :)

    Family is also a big part of our lives. Both of our parents are still together, and we're close with both families. Laura's parents live in Washington, so we usually go visit them in the winter to ski. Ethan's parents live outside of San Diego, so we like to go to the beach in the summer with them. BUT we also have our own little family (our two fur babies, Joey and Bruce) who will make great big brothers for your child.

    As parents, it's really important to us that our children are able to choose the life that they want. Whether they love sports, arts, school, or anything else, we want our kids to choose their own path, and we will support them completely. We have very different interests between us (Ethan loves sports, Laura loves art), so we know we'll be ready to guide our children through whatever choices they make.

    We also know that our child might come from a different cultural or ethnic background than us, and we welcome that diversity. You should know that our whole family (not just our child) will embrace our cultural identity by actively learning about and celebrating any traditions and customs that come along with our child's background. Our goal is to raise a child who is proud of their heritage and possesses a deep appreciation for the richness and diversity of the world around them.

    Finally, we understand the importance of maintaining a connection with you, if that's something you want. We wholeheartedly welcome the opportunity for visits, phone calls, and letters/photos. We believe that the bond between a child and their birth family is valuable and should be nurtured. Your child will grow up knowing the love that brought them into our lives, and we will ensure that they understand the significance of their origins and the unique connection they share with you.

    Thank you for considering us as potential parents for your baby. We admire your strength, courage, and the love you hold for your child. If you choose us, we promise to provide a loving, nurturing, and supportive home where your child can flourish, grow, and become their truest self. We are ready and excited to embark on this extraordinary journey of parenthood!!

    From the bottom of our hearts,

    Ethan & Laura


    Denzel Washington
    Johnny Depp
    Natalie Portman
    Audrey Hepburn
    Eric Harry (my dad)
    J.K. Rowling
    Arc Light
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
    Candy Bar
    Gummy Bears
    Childhood Memory
    Playing "paper airplane attack" with my brother and my dad
    Volunteering at my mom's friend's Wildlife Center in New Mexico and feeding baby rabbits
    Childhood Toy
    Lucky the teddy bear (still have him!)
    My Easy-Bake Oven
    Children's Book
    Harry Potter
    Goodnight Moon
    San Francisco, California
    Classic Movie
    The Wedding Singer
    Some Like it Hot
    Day of Week
    Bread Pudding
    Molten Lava Cake
    Disney Movie
    Lion King
    The Incredibles
    Dream Car
    Mercedes G Wagon
    Mercedes G Wagon
    Dream Job
    Football Coach
    Dream Vacation
    Skiing in Switzerland
    Costa Rica
    Family Activity
    Bonfire nights in our backyard
    Flower / Plant
    Form of Exercise
    Lifting Weights
    Holiday Song
    Jingle Bell Rock
    Jingle Bell Rock
    Holiday Tradition
    Watching Die Hard on Christmas Eve with my family
    Homemade Christmas breakfast as a family
    Ice Cream
    Cookies and Cream
    Cookies and Cream
    Junk Food
    Chex Mix
    French Fries
    Leisure Activity
    Watching Reality TV
    All I Want for Christmas Is You
    Architectural Digest
    Memory with a Child
    Changing my nephew's diaper for the first time
    Meeting and holding my nephew for the first time when he was only 3 days old
    Memory with Spouse
    Our first ever trip together, which was to Colorado before we moved here :)
    Sitting on scaffolding we had climbed up in Croatia to watch the World Cup in the village square
    Cool Runnings
    Movie Munchie
    Movie Quote
    "Just Keep Swimming" - Finding Nemo
    "I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine." -Finding Nemo
    Movie Type
    Cartoons (Pixar)
    Moulin Rouge
    Musical Group
    Blink 182
    Machine Gun Kelly
    Nursery Rhyme
    Humpty Dumpty
    Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
    Olympic Event
    Track & Field
    Personal Hero
    My Dad
    My sister
    Glengarry Glen Ross
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    Robert Frost
    Quality about my Spouse
    "Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again, but life goes on."
    "Everything happens for a reason"
    Wapos (our local Mexican restaurant)
    The Olive Garden (I grew up going there for every special occassion)
    Turkey and Cheese
    Meatball Sub
    Shopping Store
    All The Small Things by Blink 182
    My Ex's Best Friend
    Sport to Play
    Sport to Watch
    Sports Star
    Drew Brees
    Rose Namajunas
    Sports Team
    New Orleans Saints
    University of Colorado Buffs
    Subject in School
    Pink Ninja Turtle
    Thing to Cook
    Time of Day
    Cuddles with the dogs in bed every morning
    Skiing with family every year
    TV Show
    Modern Family
    TV Show Character
    Phil Dunphy
    Spongebob Squarepants
    Type of Music
    Hip Hop
    Alternative Rock
    Vacation Spot
    The mountains
    Video Game
    World of Warcraft
    Mario Kart

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    *Once you have filled out this form, an American Adoptions specialist will help you get in touch with this family. You can also call 1-800-ADOPTION (236-7846) to speak with an adoption specialist immediately.