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Chris & Elizabeth

We know that it is out of great love for your child that you consider this plan for adoption. We love being parents, and have always hoped to have multiple children. Adoption is the right step to make our family complete, and we can't wait to welcome another child into our warm, welcoming, and joyful home. Thank you for considering us!

About Us

Structural Engineer
Ordained Pastor
Master's Degree in Engineering
Master's Degree in Divinity
Legally Married

Why We Chose Adoption

First Day of School

We have one other child named Eleanor, age 5. She is thoughtful, kind, and full of life! She began kindergarten in the public school this year. Eleanor has attended our church preschool since she was an infant. She has absolutely blossomed there. She loves music and making art. She and our family dog Scout are best buddies, and Eleanor loves spending time outside in the backyard, riding her bike to the playground two blocks away, and playing with her friends in their neighborhood. She takes dance, is in the church children's choir, and will start piano lessons and Cub Scouts this fall.

We were fortunate that we were able to conceive Eleanor after the help of fertility treatments. After her delivery, an undiagnosed infection left Elizabeth unable to have future successful pregnancies. Adoption is the best option to complete our family, and we are so hopeful to welcome a baby soon!

Eleanor has been longing for a brother or sister for as long as she can remember. She prays for a baby to join the family every night before bed. She will make a great big sister for any child!

Our Lifestyle


Chris is an Eagle Scout, and grew up hiking and camping at least once every month. As an adult he's discovered a love for canoeing and fishing, in addition to hiking and camping, and enjoys sharing these hobbies with Elizabeth and Eleanor. Chris has been involved with our neighborhood association for years, and currently serves as the organization's president. He's committed to working locally to foster a caring, relational community. Chris serves on our church's Property Committee and is heading up a committee to evaluate the accessibility of the large church's facilities, in order to make it more welcoming and accessible to people of all abilities. Chris is also starting a Cub Scout Pack for girls with another dad in our church.

Elizabeth serves a Presbyterian Church (USA), and sits on the board for a national denominational publication. She has served on their daughter's preschool board, and has worked with a number of local ministries, non-profits, and presbytery committees in relation to her role as a pastor.

In addition to our love for the outdoors, we love music. Chris plays the guitar, and Elizabeth loves to sing along. We enjoy going to concerts and festivals, and we're excited to share music (particularly live music!) with our children.

Discussing Adoption

An adoption story is special and unique, just like any other birth story.

Each year on her birthday, Elizabeth's dad calls to wish her a happy birthday and to retell the story of the day she was born. It's a story she knows inside and out, and she can't remember a time when she didn't know it.

So it shall be for this child. The story of his or her adoption will be a story that is special and theirs. It will be a story that will be no mystery, but out in the open. We want this child to know they are beautiful and unique, and their story is, too.

We also plan to include the story of their birth parents, and help them have a sense of who they are and how much it means to us that we were chosen to love, care for, and raise them. We don't want our child's origin story or family to be a mystery. We would love to have a relationship with you, and hope there will be opportunity for our child to not only know your story and your family's story, but to be a part of it, too.


Family Christmas Photo
Family Christmas Photo
Chris Playing Guitar With Friends
Chris Playing Guitar With Friends
Fun at the Park
Fun at the Park
At a Friend's Wedding
At a Friend's Wedding
At the Nutcracker
At the Nutcracker
Bedtime Stories
Bedtime Stories
Eleanor at Our Neighborhood Pool With Friends
Eleanor at Our Neighborhood Pool With Friends
Thanksgiving at Elizabeth's Family Lake House
Thanksgiving at Elizabeth's Family Lake House
Taking Scout for a Walk
Taking Scout for a Walk
Bike Ride With Friends
Bike Ride With Friends
At Eleanor's Dance Recital
At Eleanor's Dance Recital
Elizabeth Officiating a Wedding
Elizabeth Officiating a Wedding
1 / 12
Family Christmas Photo
Family Christmas Photo
2 / 12
Chris Playing Guitar With Friends
Chris Playing Guitar With Friends
3 / 12
Fun at the Park
Fun at the Park
4 / 12
At a Friend's Wedding
At a Friend's Wedding
5 / 12
At the Nutcracker
At the Nutcracker
6 / 12
Bedtime Stories
Bedtime Stories
7 / 12
Eleanor at Our Neighborhood Pool With Friends
Eleanor at Our Neighborhood Pool With Friends
8 / 12
Thanksgiving at Elizabeth's Family Lake House
Thanksgiving at Elizabeth's Family Lake House
9 / 12
Taking Scout for a Walk
Taking Scout for a Walk
10 / 12
Bike Ride With Friends
Bike Ride With Friends
11 / 12
At Eleanor's Dance Recital
At Eleanor's Dance Recital
12 / 12
Elizabeth Officiating a Wedding
Elizabeth Officiating a Wedding

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We love our home and our neighborhood! We live in a friendly, diverse, and walkable neighborhood, built in the 1930's and 1940's. We live one block away from a great city park and the local middle school. On our street, everyone knows one another and folks are friendly. There are a number of young children on our street, and we gather regularly for birthday parties, impromptu sprinkler parties, and go trick-or-treating all together. We even host an annual neighborhood Brunswick stew in our front yard! We live just a bike ride away from a local food coop and farmer's market, a movie theater, and several restaurants.

Our house has a lot of character, and is a great place to raise a family. Inside, we love to cook and share meals together. Dinnertime is really special and important to us, so we spent a lot of time around the table. We have four bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms. Over the years, we have renovated and updated the house to make it a comfortable and welcoming place to be. We love it! We also have a fenced in backyard with a playset (Eleanor can't wait to share it with a baby brother or sister some day!), a small patio, and a vegetable garden. We love to host neighbors and friends for cookouts and porch visits.

Our Extended Families

Chris, Eleanor & Our Nephew

We love spending time with our extended families. Both our parents are still married and live in our childhood homes - it's fun to go home again! We both have one sibling (Chris has a younger sister; Elizabeth has a younger brother). We spend vacation time and holidays with our families each year.

Chris' sister Kim and her husband Jon live 5 minutes away from his parents in Virginia. Kim and Jon have 3 sons, close to our daughter Eleanor's age. When we're all together, Chris often makes giant bubbles, plays guitar for the kids (they love to dance!), and we go swimming and play outside together.

Elizabeth's Family

Elizabeth's brother Jeff and his wife Laura Ann have one son and are expecting a baby girl soon. They live in TN. We all meet at Elizabeth's parents' lake house in South Carolina several times each year. The kids get along great, and they have fun swimming and tubing on the lake together. We always have low country boil (traditional South Carolina meal with shrimp, corn, potatoes, and sausage), and love watching 4th of July fireworks from the dock each summer.

We both come from healthy, strong, and loving families. They are so very excited about our adoption plans, and can't wait to welcome a new child to the extended family. Our parents are wonderful grandparents, and will welcome and love this child with all their hearts.

From Us to You

We know that it is out of deep love for your child that you consider plans for adoption. This is an incredible gift you are offering. Thank you for considering our family.

We always planned to have children, even long before we met. We met through mutual friends in 2008, began dating in 2009, and were married in 2013. We love spending time together, and home is our favorite place to be. It's been incredible to watch and learn the ways we both enjoy parenting our daughter Eleanor (age 5). We are partners in all things, and in parenting, we work together as a team. We are so grateful that we have made a home full of music, love, laughter, and good food!

After years of infertility and miscarriages, we are thrilled to feel hope again - hope that there is a child that will make our family complete. We cannot wait to share our home and our lives with your precious child, should you choose us. We will ensure a loving, warm, welcoming, and stable home and family life for a long and bright future.

We own our home in a friendly and diverse neighborhood, within walking distance to a cute little village and city park. We gather with neighbors and their children regularly, and enjoy spending our free time outdoors. On any given weekend, you could find us at the pool together, on the river canoeing, or hiking in the mountains nearby. In our family, your child would have a creative, active, and loving older sister - who prays for a sibling almost daily! We have a friendly and gentle dog named Scout, who is often in tow and always up for playtime with children. We are very close to our families, and often schedule vacation time around being with them at the lake or in the mountains. In our family, your child would have loving and involved grandparents and cousins (four boys and one girl on the way!). Your child would have an excellent education and opportunities to explore whomever he or she feels called to be.

We have heard it said that adoption begins in the dark. That it begins with the decision to let go of a small one that you're only beginning to love, but cannot keep. Please know that we don't consider this adoption as the end of your relationship with your child. What you are considering is a brave act of trust and undeniable selflessness. What you are considering is a beautiful and meaningful gift. Please know we will honor your story and generous gift, and share it openly with your child. Should you choose our family, we would like to share letters, stories, and photos with you, and we are open to communication and even visits in the future.

If you are interested in considering our family further, we would be glad to share emails, text messages, or phone/video calls. We wish you all the very best and pray you find peace in whatever your decision may be.

With gratitude and hope,

Chris & Elizabeth


Philip Seymour Hoffman
Colin Firth
Julia Louis Dreyfuss
Emma Thompson
Jane Austen
Pride and Prejudice
Candy Bar
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Looney Tunes
Childhood Memory
Our surrounding neighborhood. Free play on bikes roaming the neighborhood, neighbors and family constantly streaming in and out of the house.
So many of my childhood memories center around summer weekend at the lake with my family. My younger brother and I would spend nearly every waking hour outside and on the lake or in the woods.
Childhood Toy
John Deere Tractors
Barbie Dreamhouse
Children's Book
Andrew Henry's Meadow
Be Kind
Washington, DC
Asheville, NC
Classic Movie
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
It's a Wonderful Life
Day of Week
My great-grandmother's cobbler recipe (with ice cream!)
Ice cream!
Disney Movie
Dream Car
1978 Datsun 280z (in british racing green)
Land Rover
Dream Job
Dream Vacation
Visting Pompeii, Italy (the setting of my middle school Latin textbooks)
Family Activity
Cooking (or canoeing)
Hiking and visiting historical sites together
Flower / Plant
Pulled pork barbecue
Form of Exercise
Jogging (though this cycles between jogging, cycling, and swimming)
Walking, Yoga, Zumba!
Muscadines (a thick-skinned grape variety that is native to the Southeastern US)
Cooking for friends and family
Reading, walking with friends, light sewing
Christmas - hunkering down as cold weather sets in
Holiday Song
Boney M - Mary's Boy Child
The First Noel
Holiday Tradition
decorating the windows with candle lights
12th Night! On January 6 each year, we host a great bit potluck dinner party at our house. It's so fun to be together with all our friends after the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.
Ice Cream
Peanut Butter Cookies and Cream
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Junk Food
Cake, Cookies, baked sweets.
Candy (like Skittles and Chewy Sweet-Tarts) and popcorn and potato chips
Leisure Activity
Reading, Catching up on TV shows with Chris
This Old House
Southern Living
Memory with a Child
Spending all of our quiet pandemic Sunday mornings alone at a park together
Last summer, we took our daughter to visit friends on a lake in Maine. We had such a great time together! Each morning, we canoed across the lake to our friends' beach, and the children swam and played all day.
Memory with Spouse
Roadtrip to Maine, 6 months after we started dating
When Chris and I were dating, I would visit his family for their annual Brunswick stew (picture a massive 25-gallon cast iron stew pot over open flame, cooking a delicious, massive stew all day). It was a lot of work, and he loved every minute of it!
Nobody's Fool
The Princess Bride
Movie Munchie
Movie Quote
"Have fun storming the castle!" - from the Princess Bride. I say it to my husband all the time, as he heads off to run errands. He rolls his eyes every time, and I love it.
Movie Type
Period Piece
The Sound of Music
Musical Group
The Grateful Dead
Indigo Girls
Nursery Rhyme
Sing a Song of Sixpence
Olympic Event
Personal Hero
Malala Yousafzai
The Crucible
Mary Oliver
Quality about my Spouse
Her empathy and sense of humor
Hid kindness and his strong character
Live and let live
"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." - Mother Theresa
Athens - a local Greek restaurant
Sailor sandwich
Matthew 10:16
Psalm 139
Shopping Store
J. Crew
Orange Juice Blues (The Band)
"Brown Eyed Girl" by Van Morrison
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Venus Williams
Sports Team
Atlanta Braves - I don't really follow professional sports, but my grandmother always watched the Braves, and it reminds of nights I'd spend watching them at her house
Subject in School
Physics, history, computer science
Thing to Cook
Pasta al'Amatriciana
Homemade ice cream - I cook the custard on the stove, and churn the ice cream when it's cooled
Time of Day
Early evening/golden hour or early morning, just after first light has broken and everything is still sleepy and quiet
An annual neighborhood Brunswick Stew
My extended family gathers for Labor Day weekend. We always did it while my grandmother was living, and recently, we picked back up the tradition. It's so fun to spend three days in the mountains with my cousins and their children. We always have a blast!
TV Show
Parks and Rec, 30 Rock, and Seinfeld - hard to choose!
TV Show Character
Raylan Givens
Liz Lemon (Tina Fey)
Type of Music
Americana, Indy, Rock, Bluegrass
Vacation Spot
The lake
Video Game
Donkey Kong

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