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Aaron & Olivia

Thank you for getting to know us and considering our family. We are so grateful to able to adopt and our family of three can't wait to welcome a fourth member to our team. If you consider us a good fit, please know we are loving, accepting, supportive, and committed.

About Us

Salmon Habitat Project Manager
Stay-at-home mother and Botanist (occasional contract work)
Master's Degree in Ecology
Bachelor's Degree in Ecology
Legally Married

What it Means to be a Parent

Family Hike to See the Fall Colors

For us, parenting is about guiding a child through life with unconditional love and healthy boundaries. Each child is different, and we've found that each stage of life is also different, so we're always adjusting to make sure we're doing what's right for that child in that moment. We have learned the intricacies of when to hold a firm boundary and when to be flexible, while continually reminding them we love them no matter what they do (or whatever giant mess they make!).

Picking Out Pumpkins

We have already learned so much raising Ruben (age 5), who is delighted at the thought of having a younger sibling. As we both have rewarding relationships with our own siblings, we're especially excited about helping our children form that unbreakable bond with each other. We are looking forward to welcoming another child into our family through adoption and learning about their unique needs. One of the most magical things about being parents is getting to watch a child discover the world for the first time and grow into their own person. We are honored to have the privilege of providing a safe, supportive, healthy home where our current and future children can grow and thrive.

Our Life Priorities

Friday Night Pizza Night

Our family puts each other first. We value meaningful communication, connection, curiosity, and integrity. We know life is complicated, and when in doubt, we choose kindness toward ourselves and others. We acknowledge and work through hard things in addition to celebrating joys and milestones in our lives. We volunteer in our community because we want to foster a sense of belonging, trust, and helpfulness in our world. Since we both have career backgrounds in the conservation of the natural world, it probably goes without saying that we highly value connecting with and caring for nature. We are mindful of our impact on the world and try to make choices that are good for the planet and equitable for the people who live here. We do our best to live in the moment, whether that is making each other laugh over dinner, gathering with friends, collecting roly-poly bugs in the yard, or cheering each other on to the top of a challenging hike. Our family traditions highlight our priority of spending time together (especially over food!): nightly family dinners, Friday night pizza night, tamales for Thanksgiving, General Tsao's chicken for Christmas, weekend adventures and summer camping trips. Those traditions are a mix of old and new, and we're looking forward to creating and reforming new ones as our family grows.

Our Adventures

Vacation Hike in the Olympic Mountains

Adventures can be big or small, but they always share an element of the unknown, and they rarely follow a plan. Recently, we were planning to go cut a Christmas tree for our living room in the National Forest nearby, which is something we do nearly every year.

However, this time one major obstacle after another presented itself. After plan B and plan C didn't work, we were all feeling pretty disappointed that we wouldn't be getting a tree that day. After a few tears and hugs, we realized that this was still an adventure, and we still had each other, which is what we really needed to have a good time. We turned the morning around by building a mythical snow creature in the garden, drinking hot cocoa, and cooking a big meal together that we would have otherwise not had time for.

Many of our adventures happen locally and nearly every weekend. We are grateful to live in an area surrounded by seemingly endless public land with ample opportunities to hike, camp, hunt for edible mushrooms, fish, draw, or just relax and appreciate. Our adventures also include at least one yearly road trip to the ocean, Puget Sound islands, or mountains... or in the case of our trip to the Olympic Peninsula this past summer: ocean, mountains, and a temperate rainforest all in one week!


Olivia and Her Sister with their Culinary Creation
Olivia and Her Sister with their Culinary Creation
Digging for Ocean Clams
Digging for Ocean Clams
Visiting a Rare Cactus in Bloom!
Visiting a Rare Cactus in Bloom!
Loving Tent Camping
Loving Tent Camping
Ruben Loves to Help Cook
Ruben Loves to Help Cook
Fun at the Park in Colorado
Fun at the Park in Colorado
All Smiles at the Butterfly Garden
All Smiles at the Butterfly Garden
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Backpacking Trip for Our Anniversary
Backpacking Trip for Our Anniversary
Having a Blast on the Ferries Wheel at the County Fair
Having a Blast on the Ferries Wheel at the County Fair
Olivia's Family Loves Gathering for Meals
Olivia's Family Loves Gathering for Meals
Celebrating with Chocolate Cake
Celebrating with Chocolate Cake
1 / 12
Olivia and Her Sister with their Culinary Creation
Olivia and Her Sister with their Culinary Creation
2 / 12
Digging for Ocean Clams
Digging for Ocean Clams
3 / 12
Visiting a Rare Cactus in Bloom!
Visiting a Rare Cactus in Bloom!
4 / 12
Loving Tent Camping
Loving Tent Camping
5 / 12
Ruben Loves to Help Cook
Ruben Loves to Help Cook
6 / 12
Fun at the Park in Colorado
Fun at the Park in Colorado
7 / 12
All Smiles at the Butterfly Garden
All Smiles at the Butterfly Garden
8 / 12
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
9 / 12
Backpacking Trip for Our Anniversary
Backpacking Trip for Our Anniversary
10 / 12
Having a Blast on the Ferries Wheel at the County Fair
Having a Blast on the Ferries Wheel at the County Fair
11 / 12
Olivia's Family Loves Gathering for Meals
Olivia's Family Loves Gathering for Meals
12 / 12
Celebrating with Chocolate Cake
Celebrating with Chocolate Cake

Our Extended Families

Fun with Auntie

Our commitment to a strong, supportive family applies to our extended family as well. Our families have known for a long time that we've been wanting to adopt, and they are over the moon excited that we have started the process. Both sets of grandparents are eager to welcome this new family addition and start showering them with love and attention. Your child will also have doting aunties and uncles who are always ready to play and tell stories. We are both close with our families and travel to see them at least once a year, and they come to stay with us, too.

A Wildflower Hike with Olivia's Parents

Olivia's parents like to stay a whole month in the spring so they get a chance to delve into Ruben's daily routine and join us on wildflower hikes. In between visits, we make sure to keep in touch with everyone through video and phone calls, cards, and gift packages. Aaron and Olivia both have cousins with little kids, so there are plenty of playmates during big family reunions.

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in a brick house with lots of houseplants - it's often filled with sounds of cooking, creating, laughter, and living room dance parties. Our long backyard is packed with flowers, fruit trees, vegetable and herb gardens, hammocks, and a climbing wall. We love to start summer days by collecting raspberries, blueberries, or blackberries for an extra-fresh addition to our breakfast.

We love the friendliness and support of our community - we run into people whenever we go for family walks and end up having impromptu visits and playdates with friends. There are many young families in the area and we know lots of people with young kids and babies. Our favorite park (one of many!) is a block away and has a big climbing structure, a bike pump track, a bike path, and a skate park near a beautiful river that we can swim in to cool down during the warm summer months. Nearly everything is within walking distance - downtown shops and restaurants, schools, doctors' clinics, two grocery markets, a farmers market, a museum, a bakery, a library, and more. There is also a public outdoor pool with fountains and a slide. Nearby there are thousands of acres of public land where we can explore and enjoy nature.

There are several local parades each year, one of which goes right past our house. We love to go to the County Fair with friends to eat cotton candy and ride the Ferris Wheel.

From Us to You

Thank you so much for getting to know a little about our family and for your consideration. We are so grateful to be considered for such a difficult decision in your life. We want you to know that we would love your child unconditionally and appreciate and support them in every way we can. We have dreamed of being a family of four for quite some time and would be truly honored to be that loving family for your baby.

Our names are Olivia and Aaron, and we have been married since 2016. We met when we both worked as Botany Interns for a seasonal position in Nevada and ended up living together while also working together. After that job, we spent several months traveling in South America together. We spent so much time together that we joked we'd dated for the equivalent of 10 years within that first year and a half before we got married. We have very different and complimentary personalities, and alongside our shared values and love of nature, that helps our relationship work well. We have a very collaborative marriage, based on mutual respect, support, and continual growth as a team. We challenge each other to grow as individuals and as a family and will continue to model this love and support for our children.

We have a 5-year-old son named Ruben, who is curious, kind, and creative and so, so, so ready to welcome a baby into our home. Ruben currently goes to a great daycare just a few blocks away for a few days each week where he loves playing with the other kids and learning. We're lucky to have such a great daycare that reflects our values (and even has a garden!), but we are also excited for Olivia to be able to stay home with your child for at least the first year.

We have considered growing our family through adoption since before Ruben was born, and after a series of miscarriages that also caused a decline in Olivia's health, we knew it was time to commit to adoption. We did consider remaining a family of three, but in the end, we all wanted a bigger family. We both have fulfilling relationships with our siblings, and we want that for Ruben and his sibling, too. We are now in a good place to fully commit to growing our family through adoption.

We are excited about having an open adoption and would love to get to know you. We respect your difficult decision and want to have a healthy relationship with you when you can give it. We look forward to communicating in a way that works best for you, such as writing letters with photos, sending emails or texts, video chatting, and occasional visits. We also understand that life can be difficult and unfair at times, and we hope to provide a stable, consistent source of reassurance with updates.

We believe that it is healthiest for the child to know their birth family and their culture of origin, and we want to make sure that is a key part of their story from the very beginning. We would like to create a picture book that can tell their story in a way that they can absorb, even when they're a baby. It will be a cherished story with their birth mother/family honored at the center. We know that this will need to be an open and welcome topic throughout this child's life, revisited and applied to whatever stage of life they are in. You will always be an important figure in this child's life, no matter the life circumstances.

We want you to know that whatever you choose, we respect your decision to do what's best for you and your baby. Thank you for considering us as a potential family for your child.

Aaron & Olivia


Ed Norton
Denzel Washington
Jennifer Lawrence
Meryl Streep
Arctic Fox
Kim Stanely Robinson
Sharon Creech
The Expanse
Harry Potter series
Candy Bar
South Park
Calvin and Hobbes
Childhood Memory
climbing Grays and Torrey Peaks with my dad
eating fresh peaches in summer with family
Childhood Toy
nerf ball vortex
Children's Book
Hush Hush Forest
Humbug Rabbit
Classic Movie
Shawshank Redemption
The Princess Bride
Day of Week
Flourless chocolate cake
dark chocolate anything
Disney Movie
Remember the Titans
Dream Car
Electric truck
Ford Lightning
Dream Job
Dream Vacation
Great Barrier Reef
Family Activity
Hiking in the mountains
Flower / Plant
Lilacs and Thyme-leaf buckwheat
pizza and sushi, but not at the same time
Form of Exercise
Fantasy football
20 questions
Holiday Song
The Chanukah Song
All I want for Christmas is You
Holiday Tradition
General Tsao's chicken for Christmas dinner
making Chinese food on Christmas
Ice Cream
Cookies and cream
Junk Food
Anything fried
potato chips
Leisure Activity
nature journaling
Cooks Illustrated
Memory with a Child
Teaching my son to ski
unstoppable giggles at silly things
Memory with Spouse
Traveling in South America
hiking in the mountains
Man on Fire
The Hobbit
Movie Munchie
Movie Quote
Get busy living or get busy dying
It is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of love and kindness.
Movie Type
comedy, fantasy or both
Pixar movies
most pixar movies
Musical Group
String Cheese Incident
Carolina Chocolate Drops
Nursery Rhyme
made up ones with Ruben's name
down by the bay
Olympic Event
figure skating
Personal Hero
my mom
Maya Angelou
Mary Oliver
Quality about my Spouse
Her honesty and integrity
We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.
I believe in kindness. Also in mischief. Also in singing, especially when singing is not necessarily prescribed. Mary Oliver
India House
Wendy's spicy chicken
Shopping Store
arts & crafts store
Colorado Bluebird Sky - The String Cheese Incident
Weirdos Make Great Superheros
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
I don't really watch sports, but if I had to pick: women's basketball
Sports Star
Davante Adams
Simone Biles
Sports Team
Green Bay Packers - cultural fan
Subject in School
art and science
Black Panther
Thing to Cook
soup... and of course pizza, nachos, or anything in the wok
Time of Day
Friday night is pizza night!
pizza Fridays - homemade pizza every Friday night
TV Show
The Daily Show
Parks&Rec, Central Park
TV Show Character
Michael Scott- The Office
the family on Central Park
Type of Music
Bluegrass or Hip Hop or Jam
highly depends on the circumstance and individual song: pop, hip hop, rock, folk, and more...
Vacation Spot
camping in the mountains
camping in the mountains or at the ocean
Video Game
Mario Kart
Mario Kart

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