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Michael & Kylie

Hello and thank you for reading our story. Your consideration is incredibly special to us. We recognize the difficulty of this decision and want you to know that we deeply respect your choice, no matter the path you choose. Sharing this journey with you and your baby is exciting as we picture love, laughter, and possibilities. We can't wait for the joy and challenges of parenthood. Let's embark on this amazing adventure together!

About Us

Master's Degree in Business Management
Currently Pursuing a Master's Degree in Disability and Inclusion
Legally Married

Our Favorite Vacation Spot

Blowing Confetti at Disney World With Michael's Parents

Our absolute favorite getaway spot is Walt Disney World. We hold annual passes and make it a point to visit as often as we can. Disney World holds a special place in Michael's heart since, as a child, his family visited at least once or twice a year, and as they moved so frequently, they joke that Main Street USA is actually his hometown.

What makes Disney World so special to us—and to millions of others—is the enchanting experience it offers. It's a place where dreams come to life, not just for kids, but for the inner child in everyone. The beloved characters and immersive storytelling transport us to a magical realm that's simply unparalleled.

Stepping into the Magic Kingdom and strolling down Main Street toward the castle is a moment of pure magic. Kylie tears up every single time we do. Seeing families from around the world creating memories in this extraordinary space is like nothing else on earth. We're beyond excited about the prospect of experiencing Disney through a child's eyes—the wonder, excitement, joy, and amazement are simply priceless.

It's not just a theme park; it's a place that supports family and creates memories that last a lifetime. We can't wait to share these enchanting experiences with our future child, creating our own magical moments together.

Our Leisure Time

Painting Pottery

Kylie has a strong passion for art and crafts, particularly enjoying activities like painting and creating colorful planner books with stickers. One of her favorite interests is painting pottery and canvases, where she expresses herself through art. Crafts give her an outlet for self-expression. Whether it's carefully painting or making a bouquet of flowers, Kylie values the opportunity to bring her imaginative ideas to life and communicate her feelings through art.

Before a Game at Wrigley Field

Michael is all about sports. He loves playing sports in video games, watching them on TV, and going to as many live games as he can. His absolute favorite is college basketball, especially the Stanford Men's basketball team. He's been a devoted fan for over 20 years! During the summer, you can usually find him watching baseball games and following the San Francisco Giants.

But what we both really love is traveling. Who wouldn't? We've been on cruises that took us halfway around the world, and we're super excited about completing the journey and going the rest of the way around.

Adoption in Our Lives

Adoption isn't a backup plan for us; it's been a core part of our family from the start. Kylie's brother joined her family through adoption and has stayed connected with his biological roots. Michael and his sister were both adopted through closed domestic adoptions, showing us firsthand how amazing it is to build a family this way. We've been open about our adoption plans with family and friends, and they are all so excited.

As we gear up to welcome a new addition to our family, the joy and love we've experienced in our own families fuel our excitement. Michael, especially, understands the importance of giving our future child the full story of their heritage and family history. Witnessing his sister struggle with not being given that information emphasizes the significance of providing our child with their complete picture.

Adoption isn't our second choice; it's been part of our game plan all along. With both adoption and the idea of having biological kids in the mix, our main question was when to start our family, not so much how. We're thrilled to share the love and values our parents instilled in us with a child.


In Front of Big Ben in London
In Front of Big Ben in London
Sunset at Half Moon Bay Beach
Sunset at Half Moon Bay Beach
Michael Podcasting
Michael Podcasting
Enjoying the Caribbean
Enjoying the Caribbean
Painting Night
Painting Night
Ready for Our Next Adventure!
Ready for Our Next Adventure!
Kylie's 30th Birthday Party
Kylie's 30th Birthday Party
Enjoying Sunset on a Cruise
Enjoying Sunset on a Cruise
At the Spot Where We Got Engaged
At the Spot Where We Got Engaged
Michael & Noah Playing a Game
Michael & Noah Playing a Game
Kylie & a Little Friend
Kylie & a Little Friend
Exploring the Aquarium
Exploring the Aquarium
1 / 12
In Front of Big Ben in London
In Front of Big Ben in London
2 / 12
Sunset at Half Moon Bay Beach
Sunset at Half Moon Bay Beach
3 / 12
Michael Podcasting
Michael Podcasting
4 / 12
Enjoying the Caribbean
Enjoying the Caribbean
5 / 12
Painting Night
Painting Night
6 / 12
Ready for Our Next Adventure!
Ready for Our Next Adventure!
7 / 12
Kylie's 30th Birthday Party
Kylie's 30th Birthday Party
8 / 12
Enjoying Sunset on a Cruise
Enjoying Sunset on a Cruise
9 / 12
At the Spot Where We Got Engaged
At the Spot Where We Got Engaged
10 / 12
Michael & Noah Playing a Game
Michael & Noah Playing a Game
11 / 12
Kylie & a Little Friend
Kylie & a Little Friend
12 / 12
Exploring the Aquarium
Exploring the Aquarium

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We reside in the suburbs of a charming mid-Atlantic city in Virginia. Our neighborhood has loads of families and children. Last Halloween, we had around 400 trick-or-treaters! Our house, affectionately dubbed the Gingerbread house by friends, is nestled on a quiet loop with friendly neighbors who walk their dogs or ride bikes with their kids. Our backyard is about half an acre and fenced in. It is a blend of grass and wooded area, perfect for hide and seek and outdoor adventures.

Our neighborhood has a ton of amenities—a pool with a slide, a splash pad, tennis and volleyball courts, fishing pond, miles of trails, a playground, and even a playhouse village. Christmas is particularly special here, with luminaries lighting up the night and Santa coming to read to the kids. We custom-built our home with our own unique style and flair and always with our future family in mind. Our favorite spot is our cozy family room, where we enjoy time with our dogs, watch sports and movies, and entertain family and friends.

Our screened-in patio connects the indoors with the outdoors, providing a perfect spot for watching baseball games during the summer. Upstairs, our bedroom is our retreat with a TV-watching space for winding down. We specifically placed the nursery next to our bedroom so we could be close to the little one. We built our home to reflect love, warmth, and commitment to family, making it an ideal space for a child to grow and thrive.

Our Extended Families

Michael's Family

Our tight-knit circle is more than just a collection of relatives; they're the glue that holds our daily lives together. Kylie's family lives just a few minutes away, and Michael's parents live right around the corner. We're not your run-of-the-mill family; we hang out all the time, sharing meals, cracking jokes, and even going on adventures.

Kylie's Family

Our traditions are a true reflection of our identity. Kylie loves our family BBQs, (although Michael insists on calling them cookouts.) Michael has a real basketball obsession, especially when the game feels life-size in his parent's basement turned movie theater. Game nights are a regular thing too. When we moved to the East Coast, it not only strengthened our bond as a couple but brought our families closer than ever. We have a daily group text with our parents called "Couples."It's like a digital hangout where we share updates, memes, and casual conversations.

You know the saying, "It takes a village"? Well, we're fortunate to have an incredible village surrounding us. From church friends to neighbors and, of course, our extended family, we're immersed in a vibrant local community teeming with birthday celebrations, group events, and annual traditions.

From Us to You

We hope this letter brings you comfort and hope in the midst of what we can only imagine is the toughest decision of your life. We are Kylie and Michael, and we want to express our deepest gratitude for considering us to be the adoptive parents for your precious child.

Our love story is a blend of fairytale meets real life. We've been married since 2013, celebrating 11 wonderful years of companionship, laughter, and unwavering support. We're not just spouses; we're best friends who still find joy in the little things like holding hands. Our journey has taught us that love is a force that deepens and strengthens over time.

Kylie, with her girly-girl spirit, finds peace in bubble baths, adores snuggly blankets, all things that sparkle, and has a soft spot for anything that wags a tail. Yet, her resilience shines through her willingness to get her hands dirty, a trait she inherited while working weekends alongside her dad in the family's plumbing business. Her versatile nature makes her a wonderful partner, combining feminine charm with practical skills.

Michael, despite using a wheelchair due to Cerebral Palsy, is a man of depth, character, compassion, and brilliant humor. He recently took an early retirement after more than 20 years in marketing for the biotech industry. He is now working on a passion project where he can make a positive impact on people's lives. Also, being his own boss allows him to prioritize family over his job. His loyalty, sensitivity, and commitment to his loved ones make him an incredible husband and, we believe, a fabulous future dad.

Our commitment to adoption is deeply rooted in our families. Kylie's Grandpa and brother, along with Michael and his sister, were all adopted. It's a part of our family fabric, and we carry this legacy with pride and understanding.

Faith is a cornerstone in our lives, providing us with strength, support, and a sense of community. Our church is not just a place of worship; it's a family that has embraced us through life's highs and lows. It is a community where adopted and foster children are common. Our pastor and his wife are foster and adoptive parents themselves and have even created a support group for adoptive parents.

Our families are not just relatives; they are our close-knit support system. Living nearby, they've moved from California to Virginia to be with us, demonstrating the love and commitment that we are eager to extend to your child. We cherish our heritage, with Kylie having Latin American, British, and Irish roots, and Michael discovering Scandinavian and Italian ancestry through a DNA test.

We understand the significance of heritage and are excited to find out more about yours. We are committed to fostering a relationship with you built on trust and open communication. We are also open to various forms of contact, including letters, pictures, emails, phone calls, texts, and even future in-person visits. Your child's well-being, growth, and happiness will be our top priorities.

In closing, we want to express our deepest thanks for considering us as potential parents for your baby. We would love the opportunity to learn more about you. We also want to know all about your hopes, and dreams for your child. Please feel free to reach out, and we look forward to the possibility of joining you on this beautiful journey.

With heartfelt thanks and warm wishes,

Michael & Kylie


Leonardo DiCaprio
Colin Firth
Drew Barrymore
Angela Lansbury
Dogs, Elephants, & Sea Otters,
Brad Meltzer
Tara Grayce & James Herriot
The Book of Lies
Artemis Fowl Series
Candy Bar
Hershey Milk Chocolate
Almond Joy
GI Joe
Looney Toons
Childhood Memory
Leading Disney World Marching Band
Mom reading us books at night in the tent when we went camping.
Childhood Toy
Green Army Men
Binkey Bear (and ALL the stuffed animals)
Children's Book
Redwall and the Indian in the Cuboard
Who Put the Pepper in the Pot and No Carrots for Harry
Washington DC
San Francisco
Classic Movie
It's a Wonderful Life
The Thin Man Movies
Day of Week
Yellow cake with chocolate frosting
Chocolate cake and milk
Disney Movie
Beauty and the Beast, Encanto, Lady and the Tramp
Dream Car
Decked out R/V
Subaru Hybrid
Dream Job
Baseball General Manager
Stay-at-home mom
Dream Vacation
World Cruise
Family Activity
Cook outs (not BBQs)
BBQ (not a Cook Out)
Flower / Plant
Pine tree (evergreens)
California Redwoods and Lantana because its rainbow colored!
Tacos and quesadillas
Form of Exercise
Rowing and heavy lifting
Rainbow Pirates
Collecting models and toy soldiers
Holiday Song
Carrol of the Bells
NSYNC: O' Holy Night
Holiday Tradition
Sitting by the fire opening presents by the tree
Jammie Ride (getting dressed up in PJ's drinking hot cocoa and driving around singing christmas songs and looking at christmas lights)
Ice Cream
Mint chocolate chip (green mint is the best)
Banana split with ALL the toppings
Junk Food
Fried Mozzarella sticks
Cheese fries
Leisure Activity
Watching sports
Memory with a Child
Wedding planning with our 3 year old nephew singing "happy birthday to poop" in the bridal salon
Holding my niece the day she was born.
Memory with Spouse
Setting sail on cruise while sitting on balcony
Trying to go on our first cruise with an accidentally expired ID and no passport. It all worked out. But oh boy!
Father of the Bride
Just like Heaven
Movie Munchie
Popcorn with peanut M&Ms
Movie Quote
I knew I'd never be able to remember what Nina wore that day. But I also knew I'd never forget the way she looked.
But what I hope most of all is that you understand what I mean when I tell you that even though I do not know you, and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you. I love you. With all my heart, I love you.
Movie Type
Happily ever after where the good guy wins and Fantasy.
Sound of Music
The Music Man
Musical Group
Elevation Worship
Nursery Rhyme
3 Little monkeys jumping on the bed
The Evening is Coming
Olympic Event
Bobsled and curling
Ice Skating and curling
Personal Hero
Walt Disney
Helen Keller
Midsummer nights dream
Rudyard Kipling
Shakespeare, Sonnet 116 is my favorite
Quality about my Spouse
Her loyalty
His unwavering love and faithfulness.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. by Edward Everett Hale
California Pizza Kitchen
Cheesecake Factory
Roast beef on white bread with mayo
Roast Turkey, Colby and jack cheese, with mustard on a crunchy roll (with a dill pickle if I'm being fancy)
Joshua 1:9 (its tattooed on my arm in Hebrew)
Hebrews 11:1
Shopping Store
Hobby Lobby
Take Me In by Kutless
The Story - Brandi Carlile
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Tim Tebow
Hunter Pence
Sports Team
Stanford Cardinal
SF Giants
Subject in School
Thing to Cook
Whatever my wife cooks :) so probably tacos.
Time of Day
Early morning
Pac12 Basketball tournament
Christmas stockings
TV Show
Match Game 1970's and Perfect Strangers
Murder She Wrote and I Love Lucy
TV Show Character
Hercule Poirot
Jessica Fletcher
Type of Music
Hard rock and Worship
Pop and New Age
Vacation Spot
Disney World
Disney World
Video Game
MLB The Show
Games on my phone

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