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Jeff & April

We are beyond grateful for this opportunity to connect with you. Your courage and selflessness in considering adoption fill us with admiration and respect. The prospect of welcoming a new member into our family fills us with immense excitement and gratitude. We are ready to embrace this journey with open hearts and are eager to provide a loving and nurturing home. Thank you for considering us - your trust means the world to us

About Us

U.S. Army - Special Forces
Director of Development
Bachelor's Degree in Kinesiology
Bachelor's Degree in Human Development and Family Studies
Legally Married

What It Means to Become Parents

Baseball Game With Friends

Being parents means the world to us – it's something we've both dreamed of for as long as we can remember. For April, motherhood has always felt like her calling. Her heart is so full of love that it just begs to be shared with a child. And Jeff? Well, he's got this incredible way of connecting with kids, drawing them in with his calm and gentle nature. For us, being parents is all about showering a child with love and happiness, and creating a warm and nurturing home where they can thrive.

We're looking forward to experiencing all the highs and lows of parenthood – from those late-night feedings to navigating the challenges of the teenage years. Every moment, good or bad, will be a chance for us to bond with our child and show them just how much they're loved and supported. We can't wait to make memories together, to watch them grow and learn, and to be there for them every step of the way.

But most of all, what we're looking forward to the most about being parents is the opportunity to create a bond with our child that's unbreakable. We want them to always feel safe and supported, knowing that they can come to us with anything. Our home is filled with so much love and joy, and we can't wait to share that with our child and watch them blossom into the amazing person we know they'll become.

Our Leisure Time

Working Out

In our leisure time, we're all about staying active and embracing the great outdoors. Both of us have a deep-rooted love for sports since childhood – April was a gymnast and track athlete, while Jeff played football and lacrosse. Our passion for fitness blossomed further when we met at a crossfit gym during college, and we even spent a few years coaching together.


Nowadays, you'll often find us hitting the trails for a run or going on hikes to soak in the beauty of nature. One of our favorite ways to spend long weekends is backpacking or camping. We find such joy in combining our love for the outdoors with our passion for movement.

As we look ahead to the future, we're eager to share these adventures with our future child. We can't wait to introduce them to the wonders of nature and instill in them a sense of strength and resilience. Whether it's teaching them how to pitch a tent or cheering them on during their sporting event, we're excited to create lasting memories and inspire a lifelong love for the great outdoors.

Our Cultural Heritage

Our cultural heritage is like a blend of Jeff's Hispanic roots with April's Caucasian upbringing. Growing up, Jeff was fully immersed in his Hispanic culture, surrounded by family speaking Spanish and embracing rich traditions. He's always had a deep love for the food, and festivities that come with it. Since being together, Jeff has introduced April to his culture, and she has fallen in love with it too. From cooking traditional dishes together to joining in on family celebrations, we have embraced it all.

But it's not just about our backgrounds – we're all about learning and celebrating different cultures. Our friend circle is a melting pot of backgrounds, and we're constantly exploring new traditions and experiences together. Whether it's trying out new cuisines or joining in on cultural festivals, we're always up for the adventure.

As we look forward to expanding our family through adoption, we're excited to share our love for culture and diversity with our future child. No matter their background, we're committed to creating a home filled with love, acceptance, and celebration of all the beautiful cultures that make up our world.


Family Photo With Fran
Family Photo With Fran
Happy Together
Happy Together
Running an Ultra-Marathon
Running an Ultra-Marathon
Don't Take Life Too Serious
Don't Take Life Too Serious
Art Gallery in San Antonio
Art Gallery in San Antonio
4th of July Fireworks Show
4th of July Fireworks Show
Military Ball
Military Ball
At a Friend's Wedding
At a Friend's Wedding
Our Wedding Day
Our Wedding Day
Weekend Trip to Arkansas
Weekend Trip to Arkansas
1 / 12
Family Photo With Fran
Family Photo With Fran
2 / 12
Happy Together
Happy Together
3 / 12
Running an Ultra-Marathon
Running an Ultra-Marathon
4 / 12
Don't Take Life Too Serious
Don't Take Life Too Serious
5 / 12
6 / 12
Art Gallery in San Antonio
Art Gallery in San Antonio
7 / 12
4th of July Fireworks Show
4th of July Fireworks Show
8 / 12
9 / 12
Military Ball
Military Ball
10 / 12
At a Friend's Wedding
At a Friend's Wedding
11 / 12
Our Wedding Day
Our Wedding Day
12 / 12
Weekend Trip to Arkansas
Weekend Trip to Arkansas

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live beautiful state of Tennessee. Being a military family, we've been welcomed into a community that feels more like family than neighbors. From barbecues, game night, and local events there's always something buzzing around town or on base, keeping us connected and involved.

Both of our neighbors have young children. And just a few miles down the road, our closest friends have twins that we connect with every week.

Our home, a new build with its three bedrooms and two baths, is our pride and joy. We have an open floor plan for the living room and kitchen area. This space is the heart of our home where we spend all of our spear time, cooking and watching movies. We converted our garage in to a gym, where we spend our morning working out. We often have our friends and neighbors join in for a session.

When it comes to outdoor fun, our community has it all. There are plenty of nearby parks, splash pads, pools and community centers. As we picture our child growing up in this vibrant and supportive community, we are so thankful that where we live prioritizes families and gives us endless options for daily activities.

Our Extended Families

Family Walk at the Lake

Our family is like a big, warm hug – full of love, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Jeff and April are both have siblings who are not just family but also our closest friends. We're lucky to see them often, whether it's for holiday or just spontaneous weekends away.

One of our favorite traditions is Jeff's family gatherings at the lake. Where all of the aunt, uncles, great aunts and uncles, all the nieces and nephews, and everyone in between shows up for BBQ, games, conversation and a good laugh. The lake house always brings everyone together.

Graduation With Family

Then there's April's brother and sister-in-law – they're practically inseparable from us. We're always planning trips together or sharing in the excitement of special occasions. They're not just family; they're our adventure buddies.

Living a military life means we're not always close to our loved ones geographically, but distance has never stopped them from showing up for us. They make the effort to visit whenever they can, filling our home with love and support.

And now, as we journey towards adoption, our family's excitement knows no bounds. Their unwavering love and enthusiasm are the greatest gifts we could ask for as we eagerly await the newest member of our family.

From Us to You

First and foremost, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for considering us as potential parents for your precious child. We recognize the enormity of the decision you're facing, and we want you to know that we admire your courage and strength in making such a selfless choice. Your love and sacrifice are truly remarkable, and we are humbled by the opportunity to be a part of this journey with you.

Allow us to introduce ourselves. We're Jeff and April, and we've been together for a wonderful decade, with four of those years happily married. Our love story is one of unwavering support, shared dreams, and countless cherished memories. We've weathered life's ups and downs together, and our bond has only grown stronger with each passing day.

From the moment we met, we knew that we wanted to build a family together. Parenthood has always been a dream for us, and we've eagerly anticipated the day when we could share our love and laughter with a child of our own. Though our journey has had its challenges, including struggles with infertility, our desire to become parents has never wavered. And now, as we embark on the path of adoption, our hearts are filled with hope and excitement for the future.

We want you to know that if you choose us to be the parents of your child, they will be surrounded by love, support, and endless opportunities to thrive. We are committed to providing a safe and nurturing home where your child can grow, learn, and explore the world around them. Our home is filled with laughter, warmth, and an abundance of love, and we can't wait to share that with a precious little one.

We understand the importance of maintaining a connection with you, the birth mom, and we are fully committed to honoring that bond. We promise to send you letters and pictures regularly, so you can see how your child is growing and thriving in our care. We are also open to more contact, whether it's through emails, phone calls, or even visits if that's something you're comfortable with. We want you to feel involved and included every step of the way.

As we embark on this journey together, we want you to know that you will always hold a special place in our hearts. Your love and sacrifice will be honored and cherished, and your child will grow up knowing the incredible story of their birth mom's courage and love. We are forever grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this journey, and we can't wait to welcome your child into our hearts and home with open arms.

With all our love and gratitude,

Jeff & April


Dwayne Johnson
Tom Holland
Zooey Deschanel
Zendaya Coleman
Red Panda
Chuck Palahniuk
Kristen Hannah
Fight Club
The Great Alone
Candy Bar
Power Rangers
The Powerpuff Girls
Childhood Memory
Skiing with my Family in New Mexico
Camping with my family.
Childhood Toy
Super Man Action Figure
Skip It
Children's Book
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Fort Worth
Classic Movie
Fight Club
Good Will Hunting
Day of Week
Disney Movie
Dream Car
Chevrolet Silverado 1500
Dream Job
Special Forces Medical Sargent
Dream Vacation
Camping in the Mountains
Backpacking through the mountains
Family Activity
Flower / Plant
Form of Exercise
Lifting Weights
Lifting Weights
Ticket to Ride
Ticket to Ride
Holiday Song
Little Drummer Boy
Jingle Bell Rock
Holiday Tradition
Cooking with the entire family watching football
Baking Cookies
Ice Cream
Ben And Jerry's Half Baked
Junk Food
Leisure Activity
Video Games
Going for walks
Sports Illustrated
Memory with a Child
Hanging out at the lake house with my nieces and nephews.
Best Friends Twins First Birthday
Memory with Spouse
The cabin weekend in the woods of Arkansas with the dogs.
Backpacking through Black Mountain in the rain.
The Avengers
Movie Munchie
Gummy worms
Movie Quote
"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands. They just don't." Legally Blonde (2001)
Movie Type
Musical Group
Nursery Rhyme
Five Little Monkeys
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Olympic Event
Track and Field
Personal Hero
My Dad
Jane Aronson
The Lion King
Robert Frost
Robert Frost
Quality about my Spouse
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. -Franklin D. Roosevelt
Love has no conditions; it simply is. It knows no boundaries and is boundless in its ability to touch our hearts. Deepak Chopra,
The Neighborhood
Flower Child
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
1 Corinthians 13:13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
Shopping Store
Pardon Me
Honey Bee
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Ben Roethlisberger
Simone Biles
Sports Team
Subject in School
Captain Marvel
Wonder Women
Thing to Cook
Time of Day
Dinner Time
Lunch Time
Sunday Morning Breakfast as a Family
Sunday Moring Breakfast as a Family
TV Show
TV Show Character
Kevin from Shameless
Sam Heughan
Type of Music
Alternative Rock
Vacation Spot
On top of a mountain
Video Game
PC games
Mario Cart

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*Once you have filled out this form, an American Adoptions specialist will help you get in touch with this family. You can also call 1-800-ADOPTION (236-7846) to speak with an adoption specialist immediately.