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Matt & Josh
Becoming parents has been a dream of ours since we fell in love 7 years ago. We are so honored that you are taking the time to learn more about us and considering us to be a parent for your child. We have an amazing group of friends and family who are ecstatic about the opportunity to see our family grow. Our house is one of love and laughter and we cannot wait to share that with a child. Thank you for this opportunity.
What it Means to Be Parents

We have both dreamed of being parents for much of our lives, and as a same-sex couple the opportunity to have a child will be a true blessing. Both of us know what it is like to grow up and be seen as different. For us being a parent will give us the opportunity to raise a child to be who they truly are as a person. Our goal is to raise a truly kind child who has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

We are both adventurous people, so we think the adventure of parenting is what we will enjoy most. Being able to be supportive as a child goes through life, and watch them grow into a wonderful person is truly what it is all about for us. We want to be fully involved in our child’s life. Watching them grow their interests into either sports, academics, the arts. We know in our hearts that we are going to be at every event our child is a part of – forming a solid support system we know will be important to our child and our family.
Our Leisure Time

A typical weekend for us is working in the yard, visiting with friends, and exploring new restaurants around the city. When we moved to Central Indiana we became Indiana Pacers fans. So during the fall and winter, you will often find us cheering on our favorite team. We are season ticket holders and we are excited about the opportunity to have a little Pacers’ fan to help cheer on the team. During the summer, you will often find us working in the yard and garden. We have our first vegetable garden, and Josh is hoping Matt's green thumb rubs off on him.
We both love to travel. We love to explore the world and experience new cultures. We are excited to create travel traditions with our child – annual beach trips, visits to countries their learning about in school, etc. We have both seen how travel has truly opened our eyes regarding the world, and are excited to instill this value into our child.
Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

Josh About Matt:As a couple, we truly complement each other. Shortly after we met, we both knew that this would be a lifelong adventure. Matt is hardworking, funny, and will be a great father. He is active with his nieces and nephews, getting to Houston every chance he gets for birthdays, sporting events, and of course holidays. Josh sees Matt as the type of father who will be supportive, loving, and excited as our child navigates the world and grows into the person they want to be.
Matt About Josh:Josh will be a great dad! His passion for reading is something he would love to share with our future child. Josh is devoted to his family and always puts others before himself. He works hard, but always makes time for his loved ones. I think another quality we both admire about each other is a commitment to education. We both have experienced the benefits of a higher education, and know that we will do everything we can to make sure our child has the same opportunity.

Our Extended Families

We met in Seattle back in 2016, but we’re both Midwest boys at heart. After getting married in 2021, and living and working all over the country, we decided it was time to move home. Josh grew up in Indiana – Matt in Texas. When the opportunity presented itself to move to Indiana, we couldn’t pass up the chance to be close to Josh’s mom, his extended family, and close friends. Matt’s family still lives in Texas. His parents are still together and have been married for over 40 years. We love taking trips to Texas to visit Matt’s parents, 3 brothers, and 6 nieces and 1 nephew. We usually plan our trips around family holidays or birthday parties so we can celebrate together.

When friends and family are over, we love to cook, play games, and enjoy the outdoors. We have a Golden Retriever named Henry who keeps us active and loves to explore the city as much as we do. Both of our families are close, and we often take trips together. We’ve gone with our parents to explore London, and just took a cruise to celebrate Matt’s mom’s retirement. We often spend holidays together – either here in Indiana or in Texas.
We love to travel and experience new parts of the world and different cultures. When adoption became a real possibility for us, we became so excited about seeing the world through a child’s eyes. Having the ability to raise a kind, well-rounded person would be such an honor.
Our House and Neighborhood

We purchased our first home when we moved to Central Indiana in 2022. Our home is two floors with a finished basement. We have three bedrooms, and a beautiful backyard. The backyard is our favorite part of the home where it will become the perfect place for our child to play.
Our neighborhood is close to downtown and includes a diverse group of families who have created a true neighborhood. Our block hosts block parties in the summer, Halloween parties inthe fall, and during Christmas we carol and light luminaries to celebrate the holidays. We feel lucky that we ended up living near such a great group of people.
Our neighborhood is filled with children who are often outside playing and riding their bikes. Our golden retriever, Henry has become quite popular with the kids – with many stopping by to say hi to him or joining us for walks around the block. (He is pretty cute!)From Us to You

Hi! We don’t know your name, but we know you are looking for a family to love your child, and give them a life full of laughter, support, and opportunity. Thank you for taking the time to learn about us. As we sit down to write this letter to you, our hearts are filled with love, excitement, and gratitude for the chance to expand our family.
Our names are Matt and Josh. Seven years ago, our lives as a couple began with a simple beer at a brewery in Seattle, Washington. Since that day our lives have been one of love, laughter, and adventure as we navigate the world as a married couple. Last year, we made the decision to move closer to the family, and returned home to the Midwest. We live in a large, diverse city in Central Indiana. Our home is on a tree-lined street, filled with children and young families ?" many of whom we call friends. Our home is presided over by a ready-made big brother, our 10-month-old Golden Retriever named Henry. He’s a favorite of the neighborhood kids, and we're sure he’s looking forward to stealing a new pair of socks each day. As an LGTBQ couple, marriage and children have never been a dream you could openly share. For much of our lives, marriage wasn’t universally recognized and adoption had many hurdles. Today, we have been married for 2 plus years, and see a child as a blessing to share our lives with. Trust us, it is not something we take lightly.
During the day we both work from home, each for a large tech company. We are obviously each other’s favorite co-worker ?" unless we’re trying to figure out what the home “cafeteria” is serving for lunch that day. When not on the job, we love to garden and work in the yard. Matt is the true green thumb, but Josh is an eager student. Josh is an avid reader, and we have both become Indiana Pacers fans. Another love we share is travel. We’ve been fortunate to see many parts of the world. Recently, we, along with our parents, spent a week seeing the sights in London. We learned, laughed, and laughed some more as this crazy bunch from Indiana and Texas navigated the proper streets of London. Someday we are hopeful that our adventures will include a child. A baby, able to spend special time with their large, extended family; as their dads get to see the world in a whole new way ?" through the eyes of a child. More importantly, we’ll have the chance to show our child that the world is a large place, filled with different cultures, and ideas ?" and that it’s the differences that truly make the world such a special place.
Indiana is home to Josh’s mom and extended family. Texas is where Matt’s parents and three brothers call home. We are often having weekend get-togethers with Josh’s family and traveling to Texas for holidays, birthdays, and special occasions. We have five nieces and nephews, so our child will definitely have some eager playmates.
Right now, you may be asking yourself, ‘How would they be the best for my child?’ To be honest, we know we won’t be perfect. No parent is. However, we know our child will be loved and accepted for whomever they become. This child will have all that we can give ?" providing every opportunity to become the best versions of themselves. At the end, we hope they know they were loved by you, by us, and everyone around them. We hope they know we all did the best to make sure they could realize their dreams. If we did it right, they will love all of us, knowing the sacrifices that were made, and the love given to get them where they are. You want a family to love your child, give them a wonderful home and future. We are looking to share our love and our lives to make that happen.
We would love for our child to know you and are open to yearly visits in addition to sending letters and picture updates. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and considering entrusting us with your child.
Matt & Josh
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