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Jason & Jeanette
To be blessed with a child through adoption, would be one of love and joyfulness. There is a lot of love that goes into adoption and finding the right family. We are excited to welcome you and a child into our home. We hope that you will find comfort knowing that we will give all the love and support a child needs.
Adoption in Our Lives
We went through many different avenues to starting a family. In October of 2022 we got to meet our daughter Christina for the first time. Earlier that year we got a call that we were chosen to be parents. What an emotional day that was! Over the next few months, we got to know Christina's birth mother and family. She is such a wonderful and loving person with such a caring heart. Now she is part of our extended family.

Christina has been a wonderful addition to our family. It has been a world wind of excitement and patience all rolled up with her. We love watching her grow in to a fun and sassy little girl, can't wait to see who she becomes. We are still in contact with Christina's birth mother and talk about a few times a month and sometimes more. Always sending pictures, cards and texts of each other's families. We both enjoy hearing stories of what we are doing and can't wait for future get togethers.
Our Leisure Time

When we are not working on the family farm or working at our daily jobs, we try to enjoy some leisure time.
Jeanette likes to bake and can garden fresh items. Through the bank that Jeanette works for, she does some community work and also helps out at our county fair.
Jason likes to work on mechanical projects, hunt and fish. We have an old pickup that was Jason's grandfathers, which we cruise around in on the weekends. There are different car clubs that put on cruise nights and we drive to different small towns in the area. This is a nice way to meet new people and get together with friends. Also, it's pretty neat to see all the old-style cars from way back and compare to the newer cars. Jason also likes to work on old tractors with his brothers. They like to fix them up and take them on tractor rides and to local fairs to display them. He is also on the local fire department as a volunteer. There are many different events each year that we both participate to help raise money for the fire department.
Our Family Traditions
Our family traditions are pretty simple, but that is what makes them great. When we get together with any event on Jason's side, whether it's a family reunion or Christmas, we always have a good time. These are usually an all-day gathering with lots of food and games to play. The one thing that is always a staple is sauerkraut and potato dumplings. There are a few family members that make them pretty well, but one aunt's is always has the best.
Jeanette's family is not as big as Jason's, but when we get together it's also always a good time. When Jeanette's grandma was alive she would have enough food to feed the Army. That still goes on today at any gathering with her family. It is always known that you bring containers to take the leftovers and you don't cook for a week! One of the family favorites that is a must on Jeanette's side is banana salad. This was a tradition that started when her parents got married and never stopped. With all the traditions that we have from both families, we can't wait to have new traditions with a child in our home.

Our House and Neighborhood
Our house sits on a family farm acreage in Nebraska. It has three bedrooms and a big yard to play and explore around in. The house that we have was actually moved from another property about eight miles from where we are. Moving a house was a different experience, it was part construction and part finding a company to move the house. Jason's parents helped us with getting things organized since this was an overwhelming process.
Even though we are on a acreage, the small towns around us have many parks, places to go fishing, trails, splash pads, and swimming pools that we enjoy going to. We are about an hour away from two big cities, which have zoos, museums and different sporting events that we try to take advantage of with our family and friends.
With all the different towns around us there is usually something to do almost every weekend from March to October. There are county fairs with farm animals, fish fry's, tractor drives, car shows and firework shows just to name a few. It is a great time to see friends, neighbors and family. Our favorite thing to do is going to all the church or legion dinners in the late summer to mid-fall. They have homemade dinners, rolls, desserts, and baked goods — you don't leave hungry! Plus, with the games and auctions, you never leave empty handed.
Our Extended Families
We both grew up with close families. Jason is the oldest of his four siblings and Jeanette is the middle of her two siblings. Jason's family lives in the same area as us. His dad farms and raises cattle and his mom works at a local school. Jeanette's parents are retired and her family lives an hour away.
Both of our parents love spending time with their grandchildren and are excited to have more. Any new addition of a child will be surrounded with love and attention from grandparents and any extended family member. Sleeping under the Christmas tree, making cookies, picking chicken eggs, feeding cattle with grandpa are just some of the memories a child will have with us.
After we were married, we decided instead of us going to Thanksgiving on each side that we would host one at our house. So both families get together to visit, eat lots of food, play games, and pick up corn to feed the squirrels. We love being around our families and this was a good tradition to start, so both sides get to see each other.
Both of our families are very supportive of our adoption plan and excited to see us have our own family. We are excited to extend our family to you and a child, to share and have many more memories to come.
From Us to You
Hello, we are Jason and Jeanette. Thank you for taking the time to read our profile and getting to know us. We know that this only gives you a glimpse into our lives, but we hope that you find comfort in knowing that we are caring and loving people. Know that our home will provide a child with love, stability, compassion, and so much more. Although we may not understand how difficult this decision is for you, just know that we are here to support you in want ever decision you make.
After many years of trying to have our own biological child, we know that God has directed us down this path of adoption. There will be nothing more precious than having a child to expand our family, no matter how that family begins. Adoption will be a wonderful experience and we are excited to share our faith, hope, and love with a child. Through this journey we have discovered that a few of our friends have been adopted. They are shown such love and support from all families that it shows in their character. With this opportunity to expand our family, we are anxious to give your child a loving and caring home.
We have always wanted a family. To be blessed with a child in our lives, would mean a great deal to us. Jason is a fun-loving, creative, smart, kind and caring man. Jeanette is hard-working, caring, willing to help others, and fun to be around. For as many years as we have been married, we have learned patience, humility, and that laughter is the best medicine. By living in a rural community, we see how neighbors help neighbors and want to show that work ethic to a child. Our hope is to show a child that even with the hustle and bustle of life, that the simple things are just as rewarding.
Our families and friends share the same values and beliefs as us. We know that they will help continue our teachings with a child by showing a good work ethic, leading by example, and teaching respect. We want this child to know that they have a good support system when it's needed. Any activity or interest your child has, we will encourage and guide them to be successful. Please know that we will raise and protect this child as best we can. We want a child to see that no matter how a family is made that there is always love.
Thank you for considering us as possible parents for your child. We will respect whatever openness you are comfortable with and know that you are important to us and your child. We are eager to share with you pictures, letters, and emails of your child's growth, development, and milestones. Also, when arrangements can be made, we are welcome to visits. Know that we want nothing but the best for you and your child, even if it's with a different family. With this decision ahead of you please know that you are in our prayers as you go through this journey.
We will love this child the same way as we were loved as a child, as we still are today.
Jason & Jeanette
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