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Brett & Abby
We are so thankful that you are reading this and looking at our profile right now! We have one adopted son and he is excited, just like us, to add a new member to our family. We are very excited to get to know you and try to begin to express our gratitude for the gift you will be giving us.
Adoption in Our Lives

Adoption has already touched our lives in the most wonderful way - through the adoption of our son, Isaiah. Isaiah is a very talkative, extremely bright bundle of energy (and joy)!
We adopted Isaiah when he was one day old, and met his birth mother a couple months before his birth. We have an open relationship with her now.
Isaiah has always been smiling and laughing - obviously babies aren't born doing that, but it's hard to think of a time when he wasn't doing either of those things! He goes to preschool four days a week, in preparation for kindergarten in September. He loves sports - he has done soccer, t-ball, and recently began basketball - all at our local YMCA. Isaiah is so excited to be a big brother! We have added to our "nighttime prayers" a prayer for his baby brother or sister, who he is very anxious to meet.
Fun Facts About Us:

Our Faith Is an Important Part of Our Lives

We are both Christians, and attend a non-denominational church about 20 minutes from our house. We love our church and the solid doctrine they hold to while emphasizing and displaying the accepting love of God and Christ so well.
Isaiah has lots of great friends that he attends Sunday School with, as we are sure the child you are carrying will. There are just tons of children at our church! They do vacation bible school in the summer, and both of us assist with caring for kids during the service monthly.
A member of our church is the pastor who married us. Brett grew up Catholic, and attended a Kairos camp in college. Abby grew up going to Presbyterian churches with her family. In high school and college she was very involved with Young Life, a Christian ministry for high school kids. We both have helped out with Young Life through people we know at our church as well.
Adoption is a perfect action to relate to religious beliefs, we think, because we believe God is a loving father and cares for each of us individually.

Our House and Neighborhood

We live in Ohio. Our neighborhood is literally overflowing with children! It is very nice and safe, and has walking paths throughout and a pool-which happens to be walking distance from our house.
We live in a cul-de-sac, which makes our house extra safe for bike riding or playing outside since there are not cars racing by! (We do have a fence around our backyard, as well.)

The town we live in is really a family dream come true-the schools are wonderful, and the downtown is quaint, with a favorite ice cream/hamburger joint that is walking distance from the kindergarten/first grade school building!
We have a two-story house with an unfinished basement (although unfinished, we do laundry and store lots of things down there and Isaiah has a downstairs "play area" full of cars, trucks, and stuffed animals). We have four bedrooms - a master bedroom (ours), Isaiah's bedroom, one for the child you are carrying, and an extra room, which holds exercise equipment for us, a sewing machine (which Abby uses occasionally!), and craft supplies!
Our Extended Families

Our extended families are beyond excited to welcome another little one into their lives and hearts!
This child will have a large amount of cousins-three on Brett's side of the family and eight on Abby's side of the family. All of our parents live within 25 minutes of us. Isaiah absolutely loves all his family members and has made some really special memories with all his grandparents, but especially with extended family on Abby's side of the family.
Every year Abby's parents pay for everyone to meet up in the summer on vacation-we've done Disney and they are planning a beach trip for 2024.
From Us to You

Thank you so much for reading this letter and looking at our adoption profile. We hope that you feel affirmed and relaxed as you read the words we have written and that you can picture the precious infant that you are carrying growing up loved by us. We realize that as a parent, the safety and joy of your child is prominent in your mind. Please be assured that we are so eager for another child to be a part of our family, that we share this same goal for your child. We want them to be all that they can be, and to feel loved and special and important. God has created your child, and he knows the path that their life will take and the home in which they will be able to flourish into the amazing human that he created them to be.
We have been married since 2014, and were dating for almost two years before our marriage. We met online, but any skepticism about our means of finding love was soon erased by the knowledge that we had indeed found it! Abby was searching for a new church home, and our faith is something of the utmost importance in our lives, so falling in love with Brett AND the church he attended certainly sealed the deal! Currently, we still attend that church as a family. Isaiah loves their children's programs and many of the friends we have made there are praying for you now, and cannot wait for another person to love in our family.
Early on in our relationship, we each stated the desire to be parents and have a family. After several doctor visits, we were told that it would be virtually impossible to have children by conventional methods! We attempted IVF (in vitro fertilization) but the baby created did not survive in the womb. We knew there were other babies who needed homes, so instead of attempting IVF again and again, we wanted to adopt a child. Isaiah joined our family in 2019, and we have always told him that he was adopted. There are many ways God makes families, and we know that God has a special and unique plan for you! We certainly intend to tell them about how they are unique from many people because they have even more people to whom their existence was precious. If not for the decision you are considering regarding their life, the lives of so many people they will come to know in the future would be completely different.
Our household is one of laughter, joy and love. We live in a very nice neighborhood and we live in a cul-de-sac with an abundance of other young children. The outdoors are often filled with laughter and sounds made by bicycles or trampolines. The school system is outstanding as well. Both of us, especially Abby, with her English literature major, love to read as often as possible to Isaiah, and will to anyone under our roof! The child you carry will be welcome's with open arms into loving-and large!-extended families as well. There is a combination (between the two of us) of eleven cousins and five grandparents.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about us and we are praying for your health and for you to be in peace about your decision.
Brett & Abby
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