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How to Choose an Adoption Agency in Alabama

A 5 Step Guide on How to Choose an Adoption Agency in Alabama

An experienced adoption agency in Alabama can make your adoption journey less stressful.

Although women experiencing unplanned pregnancy and families trying to adopt a baby choose adoption for different reasons, they all benefit from working with an adoption agency with resources and experience.

Find out how to choose an adoption agency in Alabama by following these five steps:

  • Step 1: Consider the type of agency that can best address your needs 
  • Step 2: Consider how the agency will handle your adoption finances
  • Step 3: Work with an agency that’s willing to answer your questions
  • Step 4: Consider how an agency can meet your needs
  • Step 5: Begin the adoption process

If you know you want to work with American Adoptions, call 1-800-ADOPTION or fill out our free online form to start the process. But, if you want to find out more about how to choose an adoption agency in Alabama, continue reading.

Step 1: Consider the Type of Adoption Agency That can Best Address Your Needs

There are two types of adoption agencies that complete domestic infant adoptions in Alabama:

Local (or Regional) Adoption Agencies

Local adoption agencies work with people who live in Alabama. Having access to an adoption specialist who works within the state allows for:

  • In-person meetings with adoption professionals
  • More direct communication thanks to a small staff
  • And more

But, these adoption agencies sometimes have limited resources and don’t work with as many clients. This can make adoption wait times unpredictable, and can result in prospective birth parents having fewer adoptive family profiles to consider.

National Adoption Agencies

When considering how to choose an adoption agency in Alabama, it’s important to know that national adoption agencies often have more resources.

This allows agencies to:

Work Throughout the United States

National adoption agencies work with prospective birth mothers and adoptive families throughout the U.S.

This benefits everyone by giving:

  • Prospective birth moms more hopeful adoptive families to choose from.
  • Hopeful adoptive families more chances to be chosen by prospective birth moms.

Have Staying Power

National adoption agencies often have more financial resources, which allows them to weather economic downturns and other major events without closing. 

For example, American Adoptions is a national adoption agency with decades of experience helping prospective birth mothers and hopeful adoptive families. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020, many adoption agencies closed their doors. But, because of our national scope, established services and depth of resources, we were one of the few agencies who never stopped or decreased services.

Our adoption specialists are available day or night at 1-800-ADOPTION to answer your questions, like how to choose an adoption agency in Alabama.

Step 2: Consider How the Agency Will Handle Your Adoption Finances

The financial impact of adoption is different for prospective birth moms and adoptive families. And although any adoption agency can help you navigate your expenses and financial assistance, some agencies (like American Adoptions) know how to access available financial resources to make the process easier and more secure.

How to Find an Adoption Agency in Alabama that Helps Prospective Birth Moms with Financial Assistance

Although no adoption agency can pay you to place your baby for adoption, an agency can help you get adoption financial assistance.

Adoption financial help for prospective birth parents comes from your baby’s hopeful adoptive family. Your adoption agency then legally processes the exchange for you.

Prospective birth moms can typically get the following expenses covered:

  • Rent or mortgage
  • Utilities
  • Groceries
  • Cell phone bill
  • Transportation
  • Maternity clothing
  • And more

How to Choose an Adoption Agency in Alabama that Protects Hopeful Adoptive Families’ Finances

Adoption is expensive but worth the cost. When deciding how to choose an adoption agency in Alabama that can meet your needs, consider working with an agency that will protect your finances and reimburse you if your adoption is disrupted.

American Adoptions’ Risk-Sharing Program will refund your money so you can either start a new adoption journey or take a break from pursuing adoption to heal.

Although our program can’t prevent the impact of experiencing a failed adoption, it will protect your financial investment.

Step 3: Work With an Agency That’s Willing to Answer All Your Questions

Having access to your adoption specialist can help make the adoption process easier for birth moms and adoptive families.

When determining how to choose an adoption agency in Alabama, pick an agency that provides frequent access to your adoption specialist so you can freely ask any adoption question.

Common adoption questions to ask an adoption agency include:

  • How do you handle disrupted adoptions?
  • How many birth mothers/hopeful adoptive families do you work with?
  • How frequently can I access my adoption specialist?
  • And more

When you work with American Adoptions, you have access to adoption help 24/7.

Step 4: Consider how an Agency can Meet Your Needs

When thinking about how to choose an adoption agency in Alabama, it’s important to note that not every adoption agency may have the experience you need.

Even though most adoption agencies can handle a standard adoption, not every agency has the skills some birth parents and adoptive families need.

LGBTQ Adoption

American Adoptions has experience working with LGBTQ prospective birth parents and hopeful adoptive families. Our specialists will ensure you get what you need during and after your adoption is complete.

Teenage Adoption

Experiencing an unplanned pregnancy as a teen is stressful and frightening, and if you aren’t getting support from family, you may not know where to turn for help. American Adoptions has worked with pregnant teens and has helped them successfully place their babies for adoption.

Other Unique Adoption Situations

Every adoption is unique. Be as honest as possible with your adoption specialist to get what you need during your adoption. Remember your list of questions to ask an adoption agency before you commit. Adoption professionals are there to help you throughout your adoption journey.

Step 5: Begin the Adoption Process

The final step toward a completed adoption is to start the adoption process!

Although no single adoption journey is the same and everybody’s path concerning how to find an adoption agency is different, a reputable adoption agency will ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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