Information About Adoption You Need to Know

Want to learn more about adoption? Have questions about information on adoption? American Adoptions and our specialists can help. Check out our extensive guide about adoption here, or contact our team anytime to speak with a professional or sign up for an adoption information packet.
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How to Complete an Ethical Adoption With Our Agency

Ethical adoptions can be complicated. How do you ensure your family-building journey is completed safely, legally and ethically? By working with a licensed, experienced adoption agency like American Adoptions. Learn more about our program and services here.
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Important Adoption Statistics to Know

Statistics on adoption show that more people are choosing adoption than ever before, and with the benefits associated, it’s no wonder. But, there are still plenty of misconceptions about the adoption process. Here, learn the truth behind these myths with our extensive list of adoption facts and figures.
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What You Need to Know About the History of Adoption

Adoption has been around throughout the modern human era, but there may be some things about adoption history you don’t know but should. Learn more about every aspect of adoption history — the history of open adoption, the history of international adoption, the history of LGBT adoption — with this complete guide.
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4 Important Adoption Definitions You Should Know

With so many uses out there, what is the true definition of adoption? We’ve got you covered. Here, we break down some of the adoption definitions that are important for any prospective birth parent, any adoptive parent or anyone interested in adoption.
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What Does Adoption Mean?

An adoption meaning will be different to different people, as it’s a process close to the heart that impacts birth parents, adoptive parents and adopted children. Here, we look into what adoption means for each of these parties — as well as for the community at large.
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13 Places to Find the Latest Adoption News

Because the laws regarding adoption can change, it’s important you stay up to date on adoption news, whether you’re a birth or adoptive parent or adoptee. Here, we’ve gathered some of the best places you can read the latest adoption articles and adoption news — whatever your interests may be.
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What are My Adoption Options?

When you’re considering adopting a child or placing a child for adoption, it’s important you understand all of your adoption options before making a decision. Here, we give a rundown of the paths available to you. Contact our agency anytime to learn more.
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When is Adoption Free?

Many people who are considering adoption have questions about finances: “Can you adopt a child for free? Are there free infant adoption classifieds? Is there free adoption near me?” Here, we explore the answers to each — and the important information you should know about this subject.
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26 Tips for Using Social Media for Adoption

What are the spoken (and unspoken) rules of using social media for adoption? How can you navigate adoption and social media in healthy way? American Adoptions has a few helpful hints for you. Check them out here.
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Why There's No Such Thing as an Unwanted Child

Despite the advances in adoption over recent years, people still have many outdated ideas about the adoption process — namely, that an adoptee is an “unwanted” child. Before you start wondering how to adopt unwanted babies, learn the truth about the children placed for adoption — including how loved they really are.
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Do Orphanages Still Exist in America?

Can you adopt orphans in America? In a sense, yes — but it’s not because orphanages still exist in the U.S. Find the answers to all of your questions about adopting from an orphanage here, including your adoption options.
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Famous Adoptions

Learn which famous Hollywood actors, sports stars, politicians and other icons have been touched by adoption.
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Adoption Glossary

Do adoption terms and phrases leave you feeling confused? Learn the meaning to key adoption words and phrases with our comprehensive adoption glossary.
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Adoption Overview

By definition, adoption is the process of transferring parental rights from one parent to another. But it’s also much more than that — adoption is a lifelong journey that forever changes the lives of adopted children, their adoptive parents and their birth parents.
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