How Do Children Feel About Being Adopted?

What does it feel like to be adopted? Here are some of the words adoptees use to describe it...
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- "Adoption means becoming whole."
- "My birth mother is AMAZING."
- "Because of adoption, I am different and special!"
Will My Child Understand My Adoption Decision?

Many birth mothers worry about what their child will think of them if they choose adoption. This guide explores thoughts from adoptees on their birth parents.
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Will My Child Know About Me After Adoption?

Making sure your child understands their adoption story, as well as why you chose adoption, is important. Here’s why.
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Why an Adopted Child is Loved as Much as a Biological Child

Understanding an adoptive couple's journey and desire to become parents shows you just how much they will love your child.
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Explaining Your Adoption Decision to Your Older Children

Helping your children understand your adoption decision may take time, but it is important. Here, you’ll earn the best ways to explain it to your older children.
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