When — and How — To Tell Your Child They are Adopted

When should you tell your child they are adopted? What is the best age to tell a child they are adopted? Find the answers to these questions and more with this comprehensive guide to talking about adoption with your young child.
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Breastfeeding an Adopted Baby

More and more adoptive mothers are interested in the possibility of adoptive breastfeeding, and with some preparation and dedication, it can be a rewarding experience for new moms and their babies.
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Talking to Your Child About Their Birth Family

Your child’s birth parents are a major part of his or her adoption story, and it is important to talk with your child about them openly, honestly and positively. Here, we offer some tips and advice for those tricky conversations.
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Adopting When You Have a Birth Child - and Vice Versa

Thinking about adopting when you have a birth child? Or having a biological child after adoption? There are some important things to consider first. Read our comprehensive guide to prepare your family for your new addition, however it may come.
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3 Differences in Having an Adopted Child vs. Biological Child

Thinking about choosing adoption over biological children? There are some important things you should know first. Here, learn about three major differences between biological and adoptive parenting — and how you can prepare yourself to be the best parent possible to an adopted child.
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Your Guide to Raising an Adopted Child of Another Race

Raising a child of a different race is hard enough — but there are additional things to consider when that child is also adopted. Here, learn more about raising an adopted child of another race, and know that American Adoptions will always be there to guide you through the journey ahead.
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