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Adoption in Rapid City, SD

Rapid City Adoption Agencies, Attorneys and More

If you are a couple hoping to grow your family, or an expectant mother considering adoption for your baby, you’re likely looking for resources to get started. Many families and women considering adoption start their search by looking for local adoption agencies, but did you know that American Adoptions provides many of the same services and so much more?

For pregnant women considering an adoption in Rapid City and couples hoping to adopt, below are a few of our notable services:

  • 24/7 counseling support for pregnant women all throughout the adoption
  • Limited wait times for adoptive families through networking and advertising
  • Risk-Sharing Program for families in the event of a disruption
  • Post-placement services for adoptive families and birth parents after the adoption

And much more! To learn more about our notable resources available for your Rapid City adoption, please call 1-800-ADOPTION to receive free information.

If you would like to learn more about working with a local agency for adoption in Rapid City instead, the following professionals can provide more information:

Foster Care in Rapid City

Typically, couples hoping to adopt through foster care will need specific training in addition to meeting the requirements to adopt in South Dakota. If you would like to become a foster parent, the agencies below can help during an adoption in Rapid City:

International Adoption Professionals in Rapid City

If you’ve always thought about growing your family through an overseas adoption in Rapid City, the following agencies can help.

International Adoption Agencies near Rapid City:

Statewide International Adoption Agencies:

Home Study Professionals in Rapid City

Often, the first major step in the adoption process for hopeful parents is the home study. An adoption home study is used to evaluate your readiness to adopt a child and the kind of environment you can provide for them. Typically, you will need to collect certain documents for a Rapid City adoption, such as:

  • Medical Statements
  • Reference Letters
  • Passports and Visas (if pursing an international adoption)
  • Financial Statements

If you are ready to start your Rapid City adoption home study, you should first speak with your local home study professional. They will be able to tell you what documents you need for your adoption, and what you can expect to happen during your home study. If you work with American Adoptions, your adoption specialist can refer you to a local home study worker. Otherwise, you may wish to contact one of the following for more information on what to expect during your home study:

Adoption Attorneys in Rapid City

Regardless of whether you are a couple hoping to adopt or a pregnant woman considering adoption, you will need a trusted Rapid City adoption attorney. They will be able to explain your rights and answer any legal questions during the adoption. They will also be able to help during the finalization process and will likely be present during your hearing. 

If you are working with American Adoptions, we can help connect you with a trustworthy adoption attorney. If not, you will need to find an attorney to assist you during your adoption in Rapid City.

Rapid City Court System

One of the most exciting milestones for adoptive families is finalization. After this step, you have met all of the legal requirements of your adoption. Your child is now recognized as a permanent, legal member of your home. To learn more about finalizing your adoption, contact the Rapid City County office.

Rapid City Hospitals

The delivery of a child is an exciting and emotional moment. If you are a woman considering adoption in Rapid City and working with American Adoptions, you will be required to fill out a hospital plan. This will include what you would traditionally expect to have in a hospital plan, but with a few extra details. You social worker will ask you about the following:

  • Will the adoptive family be in the room during the delivery?
  • Who will be your support system during the delivery?
  • Do you want to take pictures with the baby?
  • Do you want a natural birth, or do you want medication?

Your social worker will work closely with you to create a hospital plan that suits your needs.

If you are a woman considering an adoption in Rapid City, you may meet your child in one of the following hospitals.

Hospitals near Rapid City:

Statewide Hospitals:

When you are ready to build your hospital plan, you can call 1-800-ADOPTION at any time to speak with a trained specialist.

Tourist Attractions in Rapid City

Known as the “City of Presidents,” there’s plenty to do in historic Rapid City. If you are waiting for ICPC to complete your adoption in Rapid City, take some time to visit the city where your child was born.

For more information on our agency services and starting your adoption in Rapid City with American Adoptions, please call 1-800-ADOPTION.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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